Wat is meant by Batch Testing

Group of tests executing sequentially one by one is called Batch Testing.

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  • Oct 5th, 2006

Batch Testing in WR is nothing but running the whole test set by selecting "Run Testset" from the "Execution Grid".The same is possible with QTP also. If our test cases are automated then by selecting "Run Testset" all the test scripts can be executed. In this process the Scripts get executed one by one by keeping all the remaining scripts in "Waiting" mode.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thanx satya

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  • Oct 23rd, 2006


     Batch Testing is "Sequential execution of test programs are called Batch Testing"

          Generally Test engineers are executing test programs as a batches because "End state of one test is base state to another test"

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  • Oct 23rd, 2006

The SeQuential execution more than one test case is called as Batch testing.

Every test Batch is consists of mutiple dependent test cases. In those

batches every end state is base state to next case .Test batch is also

known as Test suit or Test belt.

sudhakar kolla,

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  • Oct 28th, 2006

  batch_test test the several tests one after the other until the all tests are completed without Interruption to the tester. when you are running the tests in batch mode , it will compress the systems messages, user sages,mis_matches etc...

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  • Oct 28th, 2006

    Batch_test means tests the several tests one after the other without inturruption to the tester. when you are running the tests in batch mode , it will compress the user messages, system messages,erro messages, mismatches etc.


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Nadeem Sharifuddin

  • Dec 19th, 2006

batch testing is done during regression testing. when tester runs different test scripts in a sequence while using driver script in QTP.

The result of one Script failure or pass , fials or passes the whole batch test.


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