Hi, I am having trouble recording with QTP. I am testing web based product. While recording, if I hit a cancel button in the page or in a dialogue box, everything I do after that doesn't get recorded. Any suggestion?

Questions by femon   answers by femon

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  • Oct 5th, 2006

More clear your Problem

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  • Oct 6th, 2006

u need to check on which platforms the aplication is made of ?? Incase if its made of .NET, then check for .NET add ins avilable as trial version in mercury website.Install it and try it.It should learn the cancel button...am sure u do it..!!



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  • Oct 10th, 2006

A application may have different component. So before start recording always better to check with the Dev Team on the tech used in it. If it is not recognizing after the cancel button means QTP does not suppots the tech used after the cancel button. So you need to have the appropriate Add-in added while recording. may be .NET or Delphi. So it should be a Add-in problem.



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  • Oct 13th, 2006

how can i  write   script for exception  handeling ?

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