Hi,Can anyone give complete technical flow of the procure to pay cycle including the work flows used and concurrent program run?Please mention the the column_name.table_name affected in the flow by them.Thanks

Questions by sachin001   answers by sachin001

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Dec 4th, 2006

(N) -> Order Management Super User-> Order Returns -> Sales Order


  1. Create a Sales Order


a. Order Header -> Main Tab



B .Order Header -> Others Tab


Verify that the default values will be populated automatically at the Order Header Level


c. Click on the Lines Tab


d. Enter the following details:

     Ordered Item: AS54888

      Quantity:        14



The price and other details will be populated automatically. Click on each tab to verify the default values that are populated.



e. Book the Order. (B) -> Book Order


f. Note the Order# at the Order Header level.



At this stage Order has been created with one line and the order is in Booked state. The header information is stored in OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL and line information is stored in OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL table.



g. Examine the order to get the header id as per the screen shot below





h. Use the following query to get Order details:


            SELECT ooha.*

FROM oe_order_headers_all ooha

            oe_order_lines_all   oola

WHERE 1 = 1

AND   ooha.header_id =   oola.header_id

      AND   ooha.header_id =   94219



















I.                    (N)->Shipping->Transactions

Enter the Order number and click on Find Button



You will find the line status as ?Ready to Release? that means that the next step is to release the sales order



  1. As the order is booked the order record is also stored in WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS table. The above screen shot uses this table.  Use the following query


FROM wsh_delivery_details

WHERE source_header_id = 94219



L.                  Now we are ready to release the order

(N)-> Shipping->Release Sales Orders-> Release Sales Orders

Enter the Order# that you want to release as shown the screen shot below



















 Based on the picking rule the Auto Create Delivery, Auto Pick confirm would be set.

(T)-> Shipping


(T)-> Inventory ? The inventory org from which the Quantity will be shipped



Click on (B) -> Concurrent to invoke the Pick Release program. It will submit a new request as shown in the screen shot below.





View the output of the Pick Slip report.  It gives all the details about the subinventory i.e. from FG to Staging etc.

Pick Slip Output


Once the order has been released it populates the WSH_PICKING_BATCHES table. Also, verify the order status on the shipping transactions form.


(N)->Shipping-> Transactions



The above screen shot shows there are two delivery lines. The reason is if you look at the pick slip report it has picked up the quantity from two subinventories. Since there are two delivery lines you will find two records in WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS table. Note that the screen shot shows that the next step is to ship confirm the order. That means the order is now ready to ship.


Click on Delivery Tab and select ship confirm from Actions combo box



And hit the (B) Go Button.


Check the Create Bill of Lading check box and click on Ok Button to ship confirm.


The above message indicates that the product has been delivered successfully. After that you will find the status as ?Closed?.






At this moment you find records in the following tables:








Query on the Order number on the shipping transactions form to find the order status:


It shows the status as ?Interfaced?.


Now, Navigate to (N)->Orders Returns -> Sales Orders and query the order. Go to Tools menu and open the workflow status menu


Click on View Diagram button to view the order status






Run the workflow background process to move the order records from OM to AR interface tables.

(N)->System Administrator ->Requests->Run


Select ?Workflow Background Process? and submit the request with the following parameters



Once the request completes normal then all the order records will be moved to


     There is a column called sales_order in this table. Query with your sales order number to find the records in this table.


To create AR invoice we need to pull the records from RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table to AR invoice base tables. Run the ?Auto Invoice Master? program from Receivables, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility.














(N)->Receivables, Vision Operations (USA) ->Interfaces-> AutoInvoice



This in turn invokes the ?Auto Invoice Import Program? to create AR invoice.

Verify the AR invoice has been created against this order.



Enter the Order number in the reference field as shown in the screen shot below:



Invoice Header:

Invoice line:


Verify the Invoice amount, freight charges, Tax charges etc. This total should match with the amount that was populated on Order Header.


The AR invoice information is available in






This completes the Order to Cash cycle. This is the Oracle standard process from booking to invoicing. This document doesn?t cover in detail about the setups involved, picking rules etc. The purpose of this document is to give an overview of the order cycle. See the workflow status of the order now.



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  • Nov 14th, 2007

  There is one cycle called P2P(procure-to-pay) contain some module of Oracle Application. PO,AP,GL.

Process Flow.....

1) Requisition. once it is approved.

2) Purchase Order.Once it is approved.

3) Send Po to supplier.

4) Supplier send the goods,service along with INVOICE.

5) PO matching comes in to the picture(kind of cross chking).

6) Pay to supplier (AP).

7) All transaction reflect to GL.

Each steps..contain the multiple options depends on item/service whatever is needed and company structure.

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