Integration testing question:For example there are 4 modules i.e. A,B,C,DA out Put is Input to BB out Put is Input to CC out Put is Input to DThere is no alternative Flow If C module is not completed , 1. How can we perform integration testing On Module D?2. What are the possible Intergation Test cases for the above condition?

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Here is the solution to perform Integration Testing if C Module is Incomplete. The data you are enetring from A, B,C,D module is ultimately stored in a database. So here you are able to get the input from A to B, but input from B to C cant be done till the C module is not complete. And same you can't get the output from C Module to enter in D Module. You can try to update the table manually in which data from B Module is going to be stored OR the table from which D module is accessing its input data. Once you entered the data in the database,you should be able to access it in D Module.

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  • Oct 17th, 2006

There are Many Ways by which you could test this scenario, I am of an opinion to have simulator in place to C. We would have an Interface agreement between B, C and C,D. Develop a smiluator on IA, where it would take i/p from B and Provide o/p for D.
I am assuming A,C,C and D are independent application.

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  • Feb 2nd, 2007

you have to prepare dummy module for C and try

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