How does the hierarchy and scope of analysis helps in Reports. How does these both gets related.

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  • Sep 23rd, 2006

Hierarchy is about the levelsorder of the objects in the classes. Eg. Time hierarchy in a time class will be Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Second

By defining a scope of analysis during drilling you are specifying up to what level in the hirerachy do you want to drill. if you set scope of analysis as 2, the data will be drilled to Year, quarter. 3 will include month as well as so on.

Hope i am clear?

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  • Feb 19th, 2011

scope of analysis you tell desingner how much deep down detail of level you can go and scope of analysis is depend on hierachy which you define in universe. either is default, custom and time...... enjoy............

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  • Jul 31st, 2011

Hierarchies are set in the universe designer in the order which u want to display in the report panel(eg:for time hierarchies year,quarter,month,month name...etc)
scope of analysis is set in the webi query's up to which level the drill up or down should be done(one-level or tree-level..)
EG:if it set for tree-level for the time hierarchy the drill up will perform as month,quarter, that

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  • Sep 21st, 2011

Hierarchy, is set at universe level and there are two kinds: Natural and Custom Hierarchy.

Hierarchy is the order of the objects you want to drill through in the reports, say, for example, Time Hierarchy - Years, Quarter, Months.

Scope of Analysis is the required granularity level of information which we set in WEBI - Query Manager.
for example, we set the level as 1, in the above hierarchy example, we will get only year details.

for example, we set the level as 2, in the above hierarchy example, we will get only year and quarter details.


  • Aug 30th, 2012

There are 3 types of Hierarchies in Universe Design.

1- Time Hierarchy: it represents like Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day.
2- Geographical Hierarchy: It represents like, country, State, City, Town
3- Custom Hierarchy : It can be whatever. (according to Requirement like: Year,Month)

I understand that there is Default Hierarchy is also available : what is that? When you are create Objects in Universe and sequence you were you used at the time that would be your Default Hierarchy.


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  • Mar 28th, 2014

Hierarchy: It is order series of dimensions in a class. We can do multidimensional analysis if Hierarchy exists in Universe.

Scope of Analysis: we can set limit to the level for Multidimensional Analysis.

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