Can you please clarify the difference between compatible and incompatible objects?

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  • Jul 14th, 2006

we can select or choose compatable n incompatable objects through aggregator navigation in the designer.

with this method the performance  increases tremendously.

instead of checking for each n every object only the compatable objects are only looked for aggregate awareness.

year:-month,quarter,week,day are compatable but customer class is incompatable .


  • Nov 1st, 2007

1.When an object is at the same or higher level of aggregation as the table, it

   is compatible with the table.

2.When an object is at a lower level of aggregation than the table (or if it is not

    at all related to the table), it is incompatible with the table.

=>Instead of checking for each and every object only the compatible objects are taken for aggregate awareness, because of this performance is increased.

=>Designer->Tool->Aggregate Navigation.


  • Feb 17th, 2010

Incompatible objects can be different in different contexts

Designer  - Objects are incompatible if they are in different contexts.
Webi   - Objects that are in different data providers and are not linked.

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Hi folks,

when you define context in Designer you should tell Query that which context to follow if more then two paths available.
If you are selecting the object to different tables and one of the object is out of context path/table you get the Error "Incompatible Object". and Compatibility you will define when you making aggregate table or derive table. Hope it clear you....cheer

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  • Jan 23rd, 2015

when you defined the aggregate tables in Universe then you need to define the awareness of the objects where to go and pick the aggregate values. Its called compatible or incompatible values

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