Wht is incremental loading?Wht is versioning in 7.1?

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Anuj Agarwal

  • Sep 11th, 2006

Incremental loading in DWH means to load only the changed and new records.i.e. not to load the ASIS records which already exist.

Versioning in Informatica 7.1 is like a confugration management system where you have every version of the mapping you ever worked upon. Whenever you have checkedin and created a lock, noone else can work on the same mapping version. This is very helpful in n environment where you have several users working on a single feature.

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  • Sep 13th, 2006


The Type 2 Dimension/Version Data mapping filters source rows based on user-defined comparisons and inserts both new and changed dimensions into the target. Changes are tracked in the target table by versioning the primary key and creating a version number for each dimension in the table. In the Type 2 Dimension/Version Data target, the current version of a dimension has the highest version number and the highest incremented primary key of the dimension.

Use the Type 2 Dimension/Version Data mapping to update a slowly changing dimension table when you want to keep a full history of dimension data in the table. Version numbers and versioned primary keys track the order of changes to each dimension.

Shivaji Thaneru


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  • Sep 22nd, 2006


Please see the incremental loding answer in CDC. Now i will tell you about versioning.

Simply if any body is working in Programming language then it is SOS. Means source of site. Means where the hystory of data will be available.

If any body dont know about this consept read the below.

See i developed some software in one storing area. After that some enhancement is happend then i will download the data i will do the modification and keep that in same area but with some othere file name. If at all anothere developer wants this one simply he will download this data and he will modify or add again he will keep that source code in that same place but with other filename. so like this hystory will be maintained. If we found there is bug in previous version. so what we will do simply we will revert back the changes bye downloading the source .



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