Overview of test plan – IEEE standards.

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Anu Akella

  • Sep 12th, 2006

Test Plans are developed in accordance with functional specifications.  It is a detailed test plan on testing, it contains Scope, objectives, schedules, approaches, requirements, technical Specs, test Scripting, limitations, test results, customer approval.

Format of a Test Plan:


Identification of software

Revision history of the document, like approvals, authors, date.

Table of Contents.

Purpose of document.

Objective of testing effort.

Software product overview.

Relevant related document list, Requirements-design-documents.

Test Plan is a high level living document.

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  • Sep 17th, 2006

Test plan format

1. Introduction

2.project discription

3.Feature to be tested

4.Feature not to be tested

5.Test approaches

6.Entry criteria

7.suspesion criteria

8.Exit criteria

9.Test deliverables

10.Communication between developer and tester


12.Automation tools

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  • Sep 18th, 2006

Test plan is the road map for entire testing activity.

Test plan contains the following:

1. Project Description

2. Budget

3. Schedule

4. Features to be Tested/not tested

5. Test Stategies/Methods

6. Testing Techniqes

7. number of reqources

8. Test case preparation, execution, documentation details

9. Dead lines, cost of the application

10. Environment details

13. Automation tolls used

14. Risk analysis

15. Mitigation Plan


  • Sep 26th, 2006

test plan Has to be done by Test Lead or Project Manager i.e.,complete involvement , description about testing

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  • Oct 3rd, 2006

Hello friends

Test plan is a bi-product of test planning through which testres can communicate with developers

It contains 16 fields as follow....

  1. Test plan identifier
  2. Introduction
  3. test items
  4. features to be tested
  5. feature not to be tested
  6. approach
  7. test diliverables
  8. testing tasks
  9. item pass/fail criteria
  10. item suspension/resumption criteria
  11. environment
  12. responsibilities
  13. staffing & trainning needs
  14. schedule
  15. risk & contingences
  16. approvals

i think this is the correct ans

what u say????

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abhishek chakhiyar

  • Oct 12th, 2006

  1. History
  2. Introduction
  3. Features to be tested
  4. Features not to be tested
  5. Test Environments
  6. Test Stretegy
  7. Test Deleverables
  8. Schedules
  9. Referance
  10. Approvals

T P is done by the Senior Member of Team like.Manager, Team Lead bcoz They are more interact with the Clients.

But we Test Engineer can involved in test plan reviews

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thanq aswini im agreeinig with u r contents of test plan but exact meanig of test plan is "it is a document that describes technical and management approch to be followed for testing a software component or a system

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  • Feb 11th, 2007

A document describing the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended testing activities. It identifies test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, and any risks requiring contingency planning. Ref IEEE Std 829.

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