1. What is a universe?2. Analysis in business objects?3. Who launches the supervisor product in BO for the first time?4. How can you check the universe?5. What are universe parameters?6. Types of universes in business objects?7. What is security domain in BO?8. Where will you find the address of repository in BO?9. What is broad cast agent?10. In BO 4.1 version what is the alternative name for broadcast agent?11. What services the broadcast agent offers on the server side?12. How can you access your repository with different user profiles?13. How many built-in objects are created in BO repository?14. What are alerters in BO?15. What are different types of saving options in web intelligence?16. What is batch processing in BO?17. How can you first report in BO by using broadcast agent?18. Can we take report on Excel in BO?

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers


  • Sep 13th, 2006

!. Universe is a semantic layer, which maps to data in the database . Collection of classes and objects.2. Slice and Dice and Drill Analysis is available in BO.4. Using check Integrity, u can check the universe. Go to Designer, Tools -> check Integrity5. You define universe parameters from the Universe Parameters dialog box (File-> Parameters) when you create a universe. The database connection is the onlyparameter that you must manually select or create when you create a newuniverse.8. BoMain.key,File that contains the address of the repository's security domain. 9.Broad Cast agent agent manages scheduling the documents.

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  • Oct 5th, 2006

1. universe is the symantic layer that isolates the end use from the complex structure of database

2.There are two types of analysis .  i. slice and dice ii. drill

3.General Supervisor launches supervisor product

4.we can check unverse in 2 ways

a.  visual inspection of joins,cardenalities,detecting loops and traps and solving them by defining aliases and contexts

b. referential integrity check

5.Universe parameters are used to define universe.

  name of universe,description and rdbms connection

6. simple universe and complex universe

7. security domain is bomain.key that allocates each user with a name and password.

8. bomain.key

9. brodcasting agent are used to refresh or publish the document at a regular interval of time broadly speaking BCA is used to schedule the document.

14. alerters are used to draw attention to a block of data either by highlighting or displaying some message near to the cells

18. yes, we can take the report in exel sheet


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  • Oct 13th, 2006

11. It can also help reduce traffic on the network by running reports at off?peak times which, of course, benefits everyone.


12. Distribute the Key file according to the option you chose in the Repository Access.


  s Save as a personal document
          save this document to InfoView for your personal use

  •      Save to my computer
    Save this document to your computer as:
    Microsoft Excel format (.xls), PDF Format, BO report(.rep)
    Top of Form


It is scheduled process in Broadcasting Agent. Ex: you can refresh a document at a specified date/time. This can be either a one?off process or a process to be repeated at the same time every day, week, month etc.

17. While the document is open, select the Send To>Broadcast Agent command from the File menu, or click the Send to Broadcast Agent button on the Document Exchange toolbar.

      • This pops up the Send Document To Broadcast Agent Server dialogue box. There are several tabs on the Broadcast Agent dialogue box.
      • Start with the General tab.  On the General tab:-
      • Select the BCagent server in the Server list box.
      • Leave the Priority as Normal.
      • Type in an (optional) identifying title for the document to be used by Broadcast Agent.
      • On the Actions tab:-
      • Select the appropriate action(s), i.e. Refresh Document
      • Click the Add button
      • On the Scheduling tab, click the Change button in order to enter the frequency and the start date/time for the processing. 
      • On the Distribution tab, click the Distribute via the Repository option:
      • If you want to send a document to other users, click the To button in the Send To box ? the Select Users dialogue box pops up.
      • In the Select Users dialogue box, hold down the Ctrl key and click the users you want, then click the OK button. You return to the Broadcast Agent window.
      • If you click the Add my Name to the List option, your user icon appears in the Send to box.
      • Finally, click the OK button. The document is submitted to Broadcast Agent for scheduled processing. 

18. After creating the report with extension .rep, File ? Menu ? Save as Excel option can be given.


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  • Nov 16th, 2006

10 ans:document agent server

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mahesh patil

  • Dec 9th, 2006

4.how u check the universe

ans.there is a option in the toll bar that is check integrity.which checks the all types of joins,context,cardnality,loops,etc.u click on that option it automatically checks all the option.that is it checks over all universe what u created.if an error occurs in universe it shows an error otherse wise it shows parsing sucessfully.

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  • Jul 16th, 2007

1. What is a universe?
A universe is a semantic layer which allows a designer to provide a meaningful interface for reporters to build reports and other queries against.
2. Analysis in business objects?
Business Objects is a very good tool for analysis with drilling being particularly useful
3. Who launches the supervisor product in BO for the first time?
Whoever is responsible for the initial repository setup and domain and user creation
4. How can you check the universe?
Serveral ways - one is to run reports against it and compare them to the source data. At a higher level, an integrity check will allow you to check that you have no isolated joins for example. Watch out for chasm and fan traps though - only good data knowledge will help you pick these out.
5. What are universe parameters?
Universe parameters are settings that help the universe translate queries into SQL statements. As of version 6, there are more settings at a universe level that were traditionally held in the prm file, which was at an RDBMS level
6. Types of universes in business objects?
"Normal", linked and derived
7. What is security domain in BO?
The security domain is the part of the repository that governs all access rights to universes, documents and functionality for each user as well as the connections created
8. Where will you find the address of repository in BO?
The repository is a database, not a filestore. As such, it will be in the DSN of the ODBC connection that has been set up. Your administrator will be able to advise on its location.
9. What is broad cast agent?
BCA is a scheduling tool for automatic refresh and distribution of BO reports.
10. In BO 4.1 version what is the alternative name for broadcast agent?
Document Agent Server
11. What services the broadcast agent offers on the server side?
Check the BO technical documentation - your question isn't clear enough and indeed the answer can vary by BO version
12. How can you access your repository with different user profiles?
It depends. Supervisors (General Supervisors, Supervisors and Supervisor-Designers) can access it directly, other users can publish and retrieve reports and universes depending upon the privileges granted to them by supervisors
13. How many built-in objects are created in BO repository?
Lots - and these change from version to version. Be careful with what you mean by objects though - are you talking about tables and columns?
14. What are alerters in BO?
Alerters are like a more powerful version of conditional formatting in Excel - have a play with that and you will understand the concept of alerters
16. What is batch processing in BO?
The same as anywhere else - automated processing of work
17. How can you first report in BO by using broadcast agent?
You can't; you build a report, then publish it to broadcast agent
18. Can we take report on Excel in BO?
Yes - either Edit -> Copy All and paste it or from v6 onwards, you can save as Excel

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