How a tester will convince to a developer that the bug assigned to the developer is a bug.

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  • Sep 5th, 2006

Tester wil tell to developer that is bug if developer is not accepting means tester will discuss with team leader and test manager.Tester try his level best to convience the developer if he is not accepting means tester will take snap shot of bug and showing to developer so at that developer will accepte it as bug and fix that bughope I am correct

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Sudipto Dutta

  • Sep 5th, 2006

The best way of doing it is providing a test case for which the application fails.If the test case is in line with the functional specs of the application , the AD team will have good enough reason to believe that there is a bug.

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  • Sep 9th, 2006

The best thing to do is provide the developer the instances that produced a Bug.Give him all the Input data and also take a snapshot of the Bug and attach the same with the Defect.

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sushant bansal

  • Sep 9th, 2006

Show result of test to the developer. If results are not as per the requirements, it means that it has bugs. Facts are always proof of bugs.

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  • Sep 13th, 2006

Steps to prove it as a bug are:

1. Tester should show in which scenario particular test case is failing

2. Tester should show the 'Reproducible steps' that how a scenario is failing

3. Tester should prove that as a bug as per the requirements when it is developed in the application even though that is not specified in the requirement document or when it is developed diferently

4. Tester should show all the possible ways to prove it as a bug

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  • Sep 14th, 2006

The following steps are useful for a tester to prove it as a bug:

1. Tetser should show in which scenario particular bug occurs

2. Tester should show the reproducible steps for causing the bug

3. Tester should show whether the bug ocurrs by not satisfying the customers requirment or it is developed in the application even though requirement is not specified in the requirement document

4. Tester should discuss about all the posible ways with the Developer and he should take this discussion to higher authority

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  • Sep 28th, 2006

 Tester has to prepare a bug report which should contain all the details such as, In what environment (In which operating system etc) the bug is coming, Reproducing steps ( How to start the application etc) etc. It will be very good if any related screen shots have been attached, which gives clear idea to the developer.

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Susanta Behera

  • Sep 30th, 2006

Just try for convince to Developer we are giving effort not to meet req. and politly say that we r not justifying the Customer req. So Plz

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  • Nov 5th, 2006

The tester should give relevant info like the Hardware Used, Software Used, Any third party applications installed which might have some impact.

It is better to compare with some applications

(For Eg: try showing the behaviour with some commonly used applications daily like opening a single login screen of yahoo messenger)

Always try to give more and more inputs like screen shots and if he says cannot reproduce then capture the scenario as a movie, many applications like Hypercam and Camtasia will help.

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  • Dec 13th, 2006


If the developer is  not accepting the bug  which  is  raised by  the  tester then the tester?s first  step  would  be explain the bug  to the  developer even after that the developer is not satisfied then the tester  would  reproduce the  bug  or  he  may take a print screen of the bug and he  will  give it to the  developer

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  • Mar 29th, 2007

Most of the defect which retained are the Regressing related. Why because for the defect which are related to the regression we won't give the documents related to that defect at time we should search for document requirement and if we get the document than we have to submit it in the defect comments section and we have to reopen the defect. If we didn't get any documents related to that test case then we have to ask our Test leads or senior people for what action we have to take on that particular defect. In case they are also not able to answer you than you have to cancel that defect with reason as enhancement.

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Sometimes developers may ignore the reported bug & that may happens bcz of so many reason like not able to reproduce or not able to understand the bug or according to them it may not be a bug..

In such cases we have to report them by using that screen print screen and along with clear description or we need to explain them how to reproduce a bug.If the reported bug is not a bug then we need to ask them to identofy the requirement id along with build release details..

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  • Oct 9th, 2015

Almost all are giving good manner and almost my answer is also same that is first we have to clear information about bug to the developer. They are snap shot of bug, clear information of OS and hardware, steps to reproduce, and deep description about bug. Even though the developer is not accepting the bug then you have to produce the bug in front of the developer. Then the developer is not accept the bug that time you have to inform the higher authorities.

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vaibhav more

  • Feb 11th, 2017

In this situation there are two conditions first is I will try to explain the developer with strong reason.
And second one is I m discuss with my BA.
So in 95% practical scenario getting solved by using second step, But even after problem persists I will discuss my Client with permission of PM

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  • Apr 27th, 2017

While reporting a bug, provide below details:
1. Issue
2. Steps to reproduce
3. Related story/ Test case where the acceptance criteria is not matched
4. OS/ Device in which it is seen
5. Reproducible percentage
6. Screenshots
This should suffice. Even if they do not accept, you may talk to Test Lead

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