What is adhoc Testing?What stub & driver & where it is applied?Ineed it in unit test,integration test.What is the sequence of Testing pahses? orOrder the seuence of testing phases like functional requirement,test design,test plan,test case,test execution,test report.

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  • Aug 29th, 2006

testing of application without following test-cases and test-plan.
testing only after properly understanding of the application
this is the adhoc testing


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What is adhoc Testing? Test the application without having proper documentation and proper requirements, this just test the application with our own knowledge.What stub & driver & where it is applied?Ineed it in unit test,integration test.The stub and driver is used in 'Integration testing'Testing sequence:Bdd Review , test cases, got the clarifications if any , test execution, log the bugs, regression testing and close, ... srinivas (srinivasulub1981@gmail.com)

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Ad hoc testing is basically concern with the Application Testing without following the rules or test cases. It enable tester to find the how robhust our system is? it also concern with the feasibility of the system.

For adhoc testing we must have strong knowledge of Application.

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  • Jul 24th, 2007

Ad hoc testing means, testing of a application w/o formal TC's & procedures...it needs strong knowledge of that application.

Stubs and Drivers are dummy codes which are used while integration when developer doens't have any code, we use this dummy codes to integrate & test. In top down testing stubs are used & in bottom up testing drivers are used.

Sequence for testing : Test stragergy - Test plan - Use case/Test case - Execution - Review - Regression - Installation - Maintenance.

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Adhoc testing is done when there is no sufficient document available for testing.In case of adhoc testing the tester has the complete knowledge of the application.

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Adhoc Testing:
Testing is performed without test plan and testcases. This is done based on the testers experience. Most of the Major bugs are found at the earliest in this testing with short span of time.

Stub: It is used in Integration testing, when Top to down testing is performed which is apart of integration testing this stub is used. These stub's are used when the bottom level modules are not ready for testing.

Driver: It is used in Integration testing, when the Bottom to up testing is performed which is apart of integration testing the Driver is used. These drivers are used when the top level's of modules are not ready for testing.

Testing Phase:
1) Test plan
2) Test design
3) Test case
4) Test execution
5) Test Result
6) Test Report

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  • Dec 4th, 2007

Stubs and driver are used in incremental  integration testing.
There are two types of incremental integration testing:Top down and Bottom Up
In Top down integration, testing  is done from the top of the hierarchy.Here dummy routines called stubs that simulate a module are introduced.
In Bottom Up integration the testing is done from the bottom of the hierarchy.Here dummy routines called drivers that invoke a module are introduced.
For eg,Consider testing a s/w that implement a stack .The program contains  a main function and a function of pop and push.
In top down integration first the main function is tested.For this ,in the place where a push function is called  a print statement can be introduced ,which states "a push function is called".Similarly where the pop function is called a print statement ,which prints "a pop function is called "can be introduced.
In Bottom up integration a driver function is written ,which calls the push function.Then the push function is tested to check whether it works well.Similarly the pop function is also tested.Then the two functions are combined together and tested.

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