Plz tell me ans 7. One product is going to be released after 2 or 3 days using ad-hoc testing one bug is found that crashing the system how a tester will rated according to priority and severity?I) Low priority and high severity.II) High priority and low severityIII) Low priority and low severityIV) High priority and high severity

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if its a critical bug and its crashing the application , then developer will report the bug stating its severity critical, priority will not be assigned by the tester, it will be assigned by developer, so tester will only report the bug saying its critical

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Aruna Kumar G

  • Sep 5th, 2006

As per my Testing knowledge, i can say, High severity (This type defects should not come before 3/4 release).

Other way is, in release note just say, we will fix in next release.

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  • Nov 22nd, 2006

In my opinion if a bug is crashing the system then according to the high severity definition, it should be a SEV 1 . Priority depends on the CCB .So far as I think it should have high priority, and should be fixed before release.

Correct me, if I am wrong...

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  • Dec 19th, 2006


The  answer is High priority and high severity


  • Feb 15th, 2007

If the bug is crashing the application it will be of hisg severity....... now the priority will be decided on the basis of its reprodicibility.. that is if it is reproducible easily.... it will be of high severity and has to be fixed before release but if it is reproducible only at times then severity will be low...Hope i am correct..


Tester must report to development team as high severity.and such type of bug should be assigned as High priority . and should be fixed before release.

i.e. High Priority High Severity. 

but there is other conditions also fall like whehter client is ready to extend the release time (if bug is not possible to fix within 2-3 days) etc.


  • Nov 6th, 2007

High Priority and High Severity because System is crashing.

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Severity defines the criticality of the issue and priority defines how soon it should be fixed. Testers define the severity and developers define the priority. Eg: If there are 10 bugs, for a black box tester, high severity bug will be a high priority bug but if you look from developers point of view,if resolving the fifth bug will resolve the second bug then fifth bug will have higher priority.

In your case, if this is the only bug then it will be High Severity and High Priority. If its not, let the developers do the needful :)

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  • Mar 7th, 2008

To my knowledge i thing...

adhoc testing is done in their oun way with out any proper documention,

if he finds the bug which crashes the system he should keep the status as
high SEV &high Priority

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  • Nov 30th, 2011

I agree with "jyotsna" and "Dharmakrishnan."

First things first: QA alone does not assign severity or priority at the time of logging a bug. BA decides the priority and dev/QA decide the severity of bugs during triage meeting.

One needs to make this point before proceeding to answer the question in an interview. Tell the interviewer that if YOU were were tasked with deciding the severity and priority of the bug, there are 3 possibilities:

- High severity (because it is causing a crash), low priority (there is work around)
As Jyotsna mentioned, if there is a workaround to the crash then it is of low priority. Meaning user can accomplish motive by avoiding the crash then there is a workaround.

- High severity (because it is causing a crash), low priority (as it occurs only in one very uncommon scenario)
The priority will be low when the occurrence of the bugs is limited to just 1 uncommon scenario. Again this ties back to availability to a work around.

- High severity, high priority
There is no work around and the user is blocked from proceeding any further, then it plainly becomes high sev and high pri bug.

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