If we do'nt have proper Requirement documents (No DOCS at tall) then how can we write test cases. Based on what...

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Anu Akella

  • Sep 12th, 2006

That would hardly happen, but if it did.

I would personally talk to my Business Analyst understand the functionality and refer the BRD documents that he or she prepared or prepare it myself and write Test Plan And Test Cases and execute them. 

One thing I can tell you if there is no documentation that would be a very bad practise. 

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  • Sep 25th, 2006

if u dont hav any document then u hav to go for the adhoc approch or exploratory testing. note down the every steps and there outcome actual result, try to explore the software first once u understand the functionality of software than u can write test cases on that plz correct me if i m wrongregardsArvind

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  • Dec 28th, 2006

if we dont have proper requirements then we have to see the screens once thoroughly and based on our previous project knowledge we will prepare test cases and also we are getting knowledge transfer from dev team and then we will write test cases

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  • May 6th, 2008

If we don't have proper requirement documents then we will follow adhoc testing depending on the previous experience to test the entire functionality of the application.

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If there are no requirement documents to reference, then you can still create test cases:


Learn as much as possible from expert and knowledgeable stakeholders about end-user (customer or client) requirements.  You can begin authoring test cases based on this information.  You may or may not have a Business Analyst on the project.  If not, the Project Manager should be able to guide you in the right direction.    


Conduct exploratory testing and learn about the application while you author test cases.   

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