In my interview, they asked the purpose of Test Approach in Test Plan. I have said it describes what are all the testing methods we have to follow on testing the particular application. But the interviewer said my answer was wrong. Can anyone explain?

Questions by nareshkumar.v   answers by nareshkumar.v

Showing Answers 1 - 16 of 16 Answers


  • Jul 11th, 2006

Can you let me know what do you mean by Test Methods?

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  • Jul 12th, 2006

Testing Methods are nothing but a testing types like Ad hoc testing, compatability testing, smoke testing, etc

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  • Jul 13th, 2006

Purpose of Testing approach in a test plan is to deine the type of testing at a broader level. you will speciy whether you are going for white box or black box testing , whether you are going for a manual testing or a automation testing,

 if black box , are you directly going to do SIT (system integration testing) , or first do functional intergration and then system testing....,

 these are all descibed as testing approach in a test plan, testing methods

is a sub topic in Testing approach....


  • Sep 28th, 2006

Testing approach means, how do you test that application - Bottom up, Top-Bottom.

bhanu prakash

  • Oct 23rd, 2006

test plan:it is a document.and it defines schedule of test approachtesting approach:the list of reasonable tests to be followed by testing team w.r.t requirements in this project.scope of that requirements in that requirements means modulesscope means future enhancementsthere r about 15 reasonable tests to be conducted

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  • Apr 14th, 2008

Test approach sets:
1. the scope of the system testing
2. the overall testing strategy to be adopted
3. the activities to be completed
4. the general resources required and
5. the methods and processes to be used to test the release

Hope I have answered to your question correctly

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A test approach refers to the manner in which testing will be performed throughout software development.  Some options include manual, automation (or a combination of both), unit, integration, functional, and acceptance.   In most cases, the test approach is covered to some degree in a test plan.   

A test plan is much broader in scope.  On a very high level, a test plan covers test coverage, test methods (including test approach), and test responsiblities. 

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