I was asked in interview what testing methodologies when i answered planning,designing, implementation,evaluation n then reporting they said no and suddenly asked then what STLC.Guys i m cofused about testing methodologies and STLC. can any one differentiate between these two and plzzzzz give complete answer.thank you

Questions by alcka   answers by alcka

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Aug 17th, 2006

there r 3types of testing methodologies :

business requirement based test methosology

i/p domain based

user interfasce based

so in every project we write 80% of test cases based on business requiremets

and 15% r based on i/p domain based  and 5% r based on user interface based

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  • Aug 22nd, 2006

From my knowledge

Software Testing Life Cycle(STLC) means the total process of Testing:

SRS,BRS,etc ->Test Planning -> Test Case Preparation (following baseline application/Usecase) -> Aproving of Test cases from the higher person -> Test Case Execution -> Defect Handling -> End

but the testing methodolies means the methods we r following for testing including planning and test case preparation based on Business requirement specifications , User interface and enironment

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  • Aug 31st, 2006

Hi savitha,

   I think ur answer is not correct .These 3 are methods for preparing test cases.

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  • Sep 3rd, 2006

Hi,According to the TextBook "Methods for Software testing" by William E. Perry,testing methodolgies are Structural testing and Functional Testing.STLC is nothing but Software Testing Life Cycle,it includesthe following phasesRisk Analysis,Planning Process,Test Design,Performing Test,Defect Tracking and Management,Quantitative Measurement and Test Reporting

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  • Sep 8th, 2006

Hi Alka,

Here is ur answer -

Test Methodologies - This document is generally prepare by Qality Analyst.This document defines the testing appraoch need to be followed to acheived objectives for a corresponding project.

Content of Test Methodology document-

1.Collect Information from Test strategy.
2. Indentify Project type.
3.Determine customer requirements.
4. Determne scope of requirements.
5. Identify tacktical risks.
6. Test Responsibilty Matrix.
7. Prepare System test plan.



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  • Oct 30th, 2006

Hi Amit,

Ur answer was really appreciative regarding test methadology...Can u make out the difference between Test methadology and test Strategy ?

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I think Testing methodologies are method of testing features. Methods that you used to test that feature. If you were interviewed for a Tester position, you could say you used functional testing, installation/uninstallation, sanity, security feature, Ad hoc, system testing, regression, performance etc. that are applicable to your application.Most of these methodoly mention above are common to all application so you should be ok. You just need to elaborate if they ask you to, what means what and relate that to your application.The answer you gave is a STLC.STLC has six phases.(Software Testing Life Cycle)1)Planning ---- Test planning inclides everything....2) Designing---- Writing test cases.3)Executating.--- Executating test cases.(Implementation).4)Result. documentation.-- Pass fail result document5)Defect generation.-- if fail write defect.6) Reporting.--- Report the defect.If I am wrong please correct me.

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