What is UAT testing.When it is to be done?

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  • Aug 2nd, 2006

UAT Testing: UAT means USER ACCEPTANCE TEST. This testing is done at the clients environment.

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UAT stands for 'User acceptance Testing'This testing is carried out with the user perspective and it is usually done before a release

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  • Aug 8th, 2006

User Acceptence Testing is a formal product evaluation performed by a customer as a condition of purchase. 

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  • Aug 18th, 2006

UAT is "user acceptance testing" done by the client side people before releasing the software follows two types of tests 1)Alpha testing 2)Beta testing

1)Alpha testing:a)Besically done for projects we can say it is a project level     testing.

b)Inviting the customer side people to the company and creates like a customer side environment.

c)Customer side people test the software and testing team takes feedback from them to perform modifications required.

2)Beta testing:a)It is a product level testing.

b)Release complimentry copy (Betaversion or trial version)to customer side people.

c)Collect feedback from the client to perform modification if required.

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Malathi Reddy.Y

  • Sep 15th, 2006

User Accepting Testing is almost final level testing in which a complete testing is conducted on an entire application in the presence of customer/customer's representative.It is of two types:

1.Alpha Testing:It is a type testing in which one can perform testing on the product finally just before it is released to the customer with in the development company .Customer/Customer's representative and Test Engineer are involved .

2.Beta Testing:This type of testing is conducted for the first time on the product when it is delivered and deployed in the customer real time environment.B-testers are involved in this type of testing.

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