Give tabular difference between batch processing,time sharing,online time sharing,multiprogramming batch system and distributed operating sustems?

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  • Aug 9th, 2006


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  • Sep 6th, 2006

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Adeoye Rotimi

  • Oct 3rd, 2006

Give tabular difference between batch processing,time sharing,online time sharing,multiprogramming batch system and distributed operating sustems?

Batch Processing:In batch processing Operating systems the tasks are performed in batches,os waits for a batch of tasks to arrive and performs the operation on the batch.

Time Sharing: in time sharing operating systems the operating systems shares the time between the tasks, i.e. if job A takes 6 minutes to complete and the predefined time to the os is 2 min it first  performs the first job A for 2 minutes, then takes up job B(the next one) and this way shares its time between all the jobs arriving.

Online Timesharing: online time sharing operating system has the same function  of the time sharing operating system except that the jobs are given time in the order they come.

Multi programming: In multiprogramming batch operating systems the multiplle jobs are performed by the operating system simultaneously at a time.  

Distributed Operating systems: in distributed operating systems, different processors that are loosely coupled operate on different jobs and communicate with each other.


  • May 17th, 2008

batch processing when all the job in a batch is processed by the os on the basis of priority of job without user intervention is called batch processing
In time sharing systems the cpu time is shared by more than one job and if any i/o operation is requred for any job then the control will be transferred to i/o processor and cpu start with next job in schedule.

patel rajanikant

  • Nov 13th, 2011

Batch Processing:In batch processing Operating systems the tasks are performed in batches,os waits for a batch of tasks to arrive and performs the operation on the batch.

Time Sharing: in time sharing operating systems the operating systems shares the time between the tasks, i.e. if job A takes 6 minutes to complete and the predefined time to the os is 2 min it first performs the first job A for 2 minutes, then takes up job B(the next one) and this way shares its time between all the jobs arriving

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