Pls Suggest the test cases on Traffic Signals

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  • Aug 31st, 2006

I guess u want to test the traffic lights alone, if so

TC0- Power supply

TC1-each light is working

TC2- shud check if the cyclic sequence ->red->orange->green->

TC3-No two red lights ON for perpendicular roads

TC4-No two green lights ON for perpendicular roads

TC5-One n only one light shud be ON at a time among three lights

n can be more based on requirements

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My answer assumes two traffic lights work in tandem with one another in a cross-section each having two lanes where the center lanes are the left turn lanes.

To keep things simple, I will use the following nomenclature:

- 'traffic lights' refers to the red, yellow, and green lights on a single traffic light
- two matched pair of traffic lights are called 'tandem' lights
- 'tandem light' refers to the other light in a matched pair
- 'tandem operation' refers to a matched pair of traffic lights working together
- N-S represents the street running north and south
- E-W represents the street running east and west

Test cases will verify:
1) main power supply
2) back-up power supply
3) power consumption meets specification
4) traffic light luminosity meets specfication
5) traffic light luminosity when viewing from various angels
6) traffic light visibility with various levels of environmental luminosity directed at various angles
7) photosensitivity between photocell and traffic light meets specification
8) traffic light logic is in synch with tandem traffic light
9) traffic light logic is in synch with pedestrian lights
10) traffic light performs properly in tandem when traffic going N-S has right of way
11) traffic light performs properly in tandem when traffic going N-S must stop
12) traffic light performs properly in tandem when traffic going E-W has right of way
13) traffic light performs properly in tandem when traffic going E-W must stop
14) duration of red, green, and yellow time settings are configurable
15) there are standard configurations for high, normal, and low traffic patterns
16) duration of traffic lights for high traffic configuration meets specification
17) duration of traffic lights for normal traffic configuration meets specification
18) duration of traffic lights for low traffic configuration meets specification
19) high traffic configuration performs properly when synched with tandem light
20) normal traffic configuration performs properly when synched with tandem light
21) low traffic configuration performs properly when synched with tandem light
22) tandem operation with N-S set "high" and E-W set "high"
23) tandem operation with N-S set "high" and E-W set "normal"
24) tandem operation with N-S set "high" and E-W set "low"
25) tandem operation with N-S set "normal" and E-W set "high"
26) tandem operation with N-S set "normal" and E-W set "normal"
27) tandem operation with N-S set "normal" and E-W set "low"
28) tandem operation with N-S set "low" and E-W set "high"
29) tandem operation with N-S set "low" and E-W set "normal"
30) tandem operation with N-S set "low" and E-W set "low"

This is not an exhaustive list.

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My answer assumes two traffic lights work in tandem with one another in a cross-section each having two lanes where the center lanes are the left turn lanes.

To keep things simple, I will use the following nomenclature:

- 'traffic lights' refers to the red, yellow, and green lights on a single traffic light
- two matched pair of traffic lights are called 'tandem' lights
- 'tandem light' refers to the other light in a matched pair
- 'tandem operation' refers to a matched pair of traffic lights working together
- N-S represents the street running north and south
- E-W represents the street running east and west

Test cases will verify:

1) main power supply
2) back-up power supply
3) power consumption meets specification
4) traffic light luminosity meets specfication
5) traffic light luminosity when viewing from various angels
6) traffic light visibility with various levels of environmental luminosity directed at various angles
7) photosensitivity between photocell and traffic light meets specification
8) traffic light logic is in synch with tandem traffic light
9) traffic light logic is in synch with pedestrian lights
10) traffic light performs properly in tandem when traffic going N-S has right of way
11) traffic light performs properly in tandem when traffic going N-S must stop
12) traffic light performs properly in tandem when traffic going E-W has right of way
13) traffic light performs properly in tandem when traffic going E-W must stop
14) duration of red, green, and yellow time settings are configurable
15) there are standard configurations for high, normal, and low traffic patterns
16) duration of traffic lights for high traffic configuration meets specification
17) duration of traffic lights for normal traffic configuration meets specification
18) duration of traffic lights for low traffic configuration meets specification
19) high traffic configuration performs properly when synched with tandem light
20) normal traffic configuration performs properly when synched with tandem light
21) low traffic configuration performs properly when synched with tandem light
22) tandem operation with N-S set "high" and E-W set "high"
23) tandem operation with N-S set "high" and E-W set "normal"
24) tandem operation with N-S set "high" and E-W set "low"
25) tandem operation with N-S set "normal" and E-W set "high"
26) tandem operation with N-S set "normal" and E-W set "normal"
27) tandem operation with N-S set "normal" and E-W set "low"
28) tandem operation with N-S set "low" and E-W set "high"
29) tandem operation with N-S set "low" and E-W set "normal"
30) tandem operation with N-S set "low" and E-W set "low"

This is not an exhaustive list.

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Test cases for T-Signal
1.check whether it has got 3 colour lights
2.check whether there must be atleast 2 colour light
3.check whether it has red colour and green colour
4.check whether at a time both colour light should not glown
5.check whether always it should have current
6.check whether each colour should be glown one after other

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