How to pass parameters from one action to another action.

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  • Jul 28th, 2006

This might not be the actual way, but i would store the variable in an environmental variable or as a record in Global sheet or in anyother sheet and can use it from anyother sheet using datatable.value() function.

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  • Jul 29th, 2006

You can store the variable you want to pass as Enviroment Variable in One action and then if you need to access the same variable in another action first you have to call that enviroment variable in second action,store it in some variable and use it...

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  • Aug 3rd, 2006

We Have A Concept called Output Parameter and Input parameter. These Will help in Passing The Parameters fromn One Actions To Another Action.

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  • Aug 4th, 2006

Hi Rajiv

Thanks for giving answer. please give example so that i can clearly understand.


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Jeevan Kattekola

  • Sep 1st, 2006

You can add output values to your test. An output value is a value captured

during the test run and entered in the run-time Data Table for use at another

point in the test run. When you create an output value, the test retrieves a

value at a specified point during the test run and stores it in a column in the

current row of the run-time Data Table. When the value is needed later in

the test run as input, QuickTest retrieves it from the Data Table. You can

output the property values of any objects. You can also output text strings

and the contents of tables and databases.


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  • Nov 1st, 2006

Can we pass parameters without using the run time data table....i mean, is there anyway by scripting that we can pass parameters between actions.

assuming the variables have been set as output and input in the action properties.

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  • Nov 9th, 2006


You can add output values to your test. An output value is a value captured

during the test run and entered in the run-time Data Table for use at another

point in the test run. When you create an output value, the test retrieves a

value at a specified point during the test run and stores it in a column in the

current row of the run-time Data Table. When the value is needed later in

the test run as input, QuickTest retrieves it from the Data Table. You can

output the property values of any objects. You can also output text strings

and the contents of tables and databases.

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