Hi All,I'm a new member to this group. I've been recently practicing QTP tool. Problem arises when I run the Program it is running fine but simultaneously opening website URL whichever is set default. Please suggest me which options in the tools menu bar should I change to disable the URl activation when running my program.I hope you got my point!Please help me.....

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Jul 20th, 2006

if this problem arising even during the recording time, you need to go to test>record and run setting>select web tab and select radio button record and run test on any open web browser, and also go to window application tab and select radio button record and run test on any windows based application and apply and ok,

if this is not the problem explian in detail

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  • Jul 24th, 2006


Thank you for your quick suggestion.It really helped me. I appreciate your help!

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