What is the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control?

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  • Jul 20th, 2006

QA:Process based,defect prevention based

QC:Product based,defect detection based


  • Jul 27th, 2006

Quality assurance is set of activitates designed to ensure that maintenance process is adequate to  ensure a system will meet it object.

Quality control is set of activitates designed to evaluate a developed work product


  • Sep 13th, 2006

  1. The difference between quality assurance and quality control is that

    • Quality assurance aims to assure that quality work and quality deliverables will be built in before work is done
    • Quality control aims to determine that quality work and quality deliverables did occur after work was done
    • Quality control is conducted by inspection and testing

      • Of materials, workmanship and product

            Quality control is all about

             Conformance to requirement        

              Planning for quality control

              I.e. identifying where control is to be exercised

              And to what extent or frequency

           Identifying the relevant reference standards

  • E.g. the technical (technological) specifications applicable

           Influencing performance by collecting specific information

                 Usually highly technical, standardized data

                  Analyzing and comparing results to standards 

            Reporting results to all parties concerned

    • As a basis for management decision
    • On appropriate corrective action
    • On-going retro-fixing to maintain end results

The Bold indicates the side heads.

sudhakar kolla.

If you have doubts can ask me.

kollasudhakar2005 @ yahoo.co.in.

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  • Sep 14th, 2006

Hey agadhu, Excellent answer !! short n sweet. u hit the bulls eye

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  • Nov 1st, 2006

        QA                                                          QC

-Verification                                      -validation

-preventing process                          -detectinng process

-it prepares process and                    -it implement these process and

guidlinedocument                               guidlines document

-it review the report to                     -it prepares reports based on 

collect the feedback                          the testing

-periodical reviews for process           -implement the process

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              Quality Assurance                           Quality Control

----------------------------           -------------------------

Prevention based                         Detection based

Process oriented                          Project oriented

Organization level                         Producer responsibility

Phase Parallel activity                   End phase activity



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Manju K K

  • Jan 23rd, 2007

Quality Assurance is process oriented and Quality Control is product oriented

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Subhash Sangale

  • Jul 24th, 2007

The QC is done before sending the produuct and QA is done to know, what quality of the product we have delivered to the client. Its like details reports for analysis.
QA is used to give the confidence to top management where as QC gives the confidence to process owner as where they can hit majorly so that QA accuracy can be increased.

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QC (Quality Controller) involves in the testing of the Application. Quality control ensures that equipment is working properly, the operator is performing appropriately.Qc is product oriented.
QA (Quality Assurance) involves all activities from design, development, production, installation, servicing, documentation, Verification and validation. They are also involved in internal audits and walkthroughs. It is Process Oriented.

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Quality Assurance (QA) attempts to improve and stabilize processes in order to minimize the issues that produce defects. QA processes also strive to assure that a product, service, or system meets its intended purposes, focusing on external requirements and expectations. This can be expressed by "Are you building the right thing?" Quality Assurance 1) deals with process, 2) is proactive, 3) is a staff function, and 4) helps to prevent defects.

Quality Control (QC) emphasizes the testing of products to uncover defects as well as reporting their findings to management who make the decision to allow or deny product release. QC evaluates whether or not a product, service, or system complies with regulations, specifications, or conditions imposed at the start of a development phase, focusing on internal requirements and expectations. This can be expressed by "Are you building the thing right?" Quality Control 1) deals with product, 2) is reactive, 3) is a line function, and 4) is meant to find defects.

Consider these definitions in terms of a typical software QA and Test group:

1) Whenever members of QA and Test do anything to improve internal processes in order to minimize defects, they are performing Quality Assurance activities.

2) Whenever members of QA and Test align test cases with functional requirements, they are performing Quality Assurance activities. 

3) Whenever members of QA and Test uncover defects and report their findings so that management can make informed decisions about the corresponding software release, they are performing Quality Control activities.

4) Whenever members of QA and Test take measures to ensure internal processes are properly efficient and effective, they are performing Quality Control activities.


A test plan describes the test strategies that will be employed throughout a software development project. The act of developing a test plan is a Quality Assurance activity.  Nevertheless, the intended purpose of the test plan is to ultimately help testers perform their Quality Control activities.    

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