What is the Difference between Project and Product Testing?What difference you have observed while testing the Clint/Server application and web server application

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  • Jul 11th, 2006

I don't answer ur second question as it is very simple.

The difference between Project & Product Testing is similer to tailoring clothes for a single/defined (# of) customers and tailoring clothes for a readymade retailer/wholesaler.

White testing the Project, U know what the cusomer(s) wants (Req' Spec's). But while testing the Product u don't know what the custmer wants, u depend on the Product Analysis n competency. STrategy with the testing team will have a big role to play in Product Testing.

In 1 sentense, U test "limited" set of user requirements in Project Testing where as U get to test "Unlimited" # of user requirements in Product Testing. In other words Testing Scope is Limited in Project Testing, n Unlimited in Product Testing.


  • Jul 27th, 2006

Project : If any organization is developing the application according to the client specification then it is called as project.

Product: If any organization is developing the application and marketing it is called as product.

The only difference we come across during the project testing and product testing is :

In project testing we go through the Alpha Testing, Beta Testing, User Acceptance testing whereas in product testing we dont have this.

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  • Aug 14th, 2006

Project: Get requirements from the client and develop the project.This software is for only one companyand has specifi customer.For this Alpha test will be done.

Product: Get requirements from the market and develop the project.This software may have more than one company and has no specific customer.For this Beta-version or trial version will be released in the market to do Beta test.


  • Sep 3rd, 2006

Project : To develop the software in our mangement according to the client specification or requirement then it is called as project.

Product: To develop the software and marketing our product to the customer then it is called as product.

Sudhakar Kolla.

If you are asking any doubts can ask me.
my email : kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in
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  • Aug 21st, 2007

Project : In project testing, the application is developed as per the?clients requirements

Product: Organization can develop a particular product and then market it to many clients, also the product can be tailored for each client.

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