On what basis we give priority and severity for a bug and give me one example for high priority and low severity and high severity and low priority?

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  • Jul 11th, 2006


Priority will be given as per the client requirements.

Severity will be given as per the degree of the impact of failing a program.

In general, high priority will be given to the bugs with high severity.

A cosmotic bug (such as spell mistakes, design flaws...) on the GUI welcome page can be a better example for a bug with High Priority but with Low Severity.

And to quote an example for a bug with High Severity n Low Priority varies from time to time and situation to situation. Such as failing a module link in an application which is not yet brought into production and all....and u can see such situations very often in the Support Development(Maintenance), seldom in the New Development environment.

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On what basis we give priority and severity for a bug and give me one example for high priority and low severity and high severity and low priority?

Always the Priority is given  by our T.L  Tester will never give the priority ... Ok

I will some example for

High Severity :- H/W Bugs Application crash.

Low Severity :-  User Interface Bugs

High Priority :-  Error message is not comming on time, caculation Bugs etc..

Low Priority :-  Wrong Alighment, Final Output Wrong.

If u want more type of bug mail to me


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  • Jul 31st, 2006

SHYAM is right over here...just to add more detail...

Severity: 1 -- App Crash...or Big Ugly Server errors...which will hamper our ability to do the basic functionality

Sev 2 -- These are more interesting bugs involving Business Logic...or formulae

Sev 3: A little less severe than sev 2

Sev 4: Cosmetic..or UI things....

Priority is set in Triage meetings and many times the Testers also make the decision or atleast have a word to say...

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Hello frends Some of our frends have already given the ans .. Now i try to give the exs for those..High Severity and Low Priority: For example in a railway reservation form, it contains Custname, journey date..etc.. here we've to test for duplication of forms .. means the customers has not applied with same name with same dates with same places. But here we have no reqquirements from client.. but this defect has high severity.. in this condition i've logged the bug as High severity and low priority..Low severity and High priority : Suppose the above same reservation form contains one typo mistake.. according to client req no typo mistakes are exists in that form.. but this has low severity according to page wise... This exs are given upto my knowledge.. Let me know if i wrong..srinivas (srinivasulub1981@gmail.com)

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  • Sep 13th, 2006

Priority:The Importance of defect interm of customer. Ex:High, Medium, low.

Severity:The seriousness of defect  interm of functionality.

Ex:High:Manditory to resolve and urgent.

Medium:Manditory to resolve  but not urgent.

low:May or May not to resolve.

Race condition bugs:(High severity).

EX:  1.Hang or dead lock is High priority.

       2. wrong order of functionalites.

sudhakar kolla.

If you have doubts can ask me.

My Email:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in.

My Number:09819859346.

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  • Sep 22nd, 2006

We can decide priority with following categories

showstopper--immediate fix, very visible

High -- must fix before release the product

Medium -- should fix if time permits

Low -- would like fix but can release as it is

Let me know if I'm wrong(rimaraj12000 @ yahoo.co.in)

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ravi kanth

  • Oct 27th, 2006

Mr. Shyam Prasad,

Are u sure that, Tester never gives Priority? I think it may be in your company, but in my company and some of the companies which i came across Priority is also given by the tester. Depending on this Seviority and Priority of an Bug the Status is declared, with which the development team will act (i.e. wheather to fix the bug imediately or can be fixed later)

Above is to my knowledge, if u have any coments, please mail me up.


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The main procedure is that tester gives severity.But it depends on nature of project, your organigation that you give priority also.I also gives both as you know tester have to wear many hats when he/she works.Otherwise the ans is clear and correct.

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P.M. Reddy

  • Dec 20th, 2006

I think wrong alignment will comes under high priority and low severity

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Severity - Depending upon the testers mind, with the impact of the client, severity will be stated. Priority - Depending upon the urgency on the tester and his workaround. i.e.,.how long the tester can work until the bug is rectified

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