What is the use of exception handling in Silk Test? how to use the commands?

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  • Aug 21st, 2006

If a testcase fails during the test execution (for ex, if the expected value doesn't match the actual value in the verification statement), SilkTest by default calls its built-in recovery system, which:

> Terminates the testcase

> Logs the error in the results file

> Restores your application to its default base state in preparation for te next test case.


Using do...except



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  • Aug 21st, 2006

Commands: do command


exception raised here




control passes



testcase except1(STRING sExpectedVal, STRING sActualVal)



Print("Verification succeeded")


Print("Verification Failed")

Raise Command

In addition to use buil-in exceptions, you can define your own exceptions and generate them using the raise statement

Reraise Command

You can also use do...except to perform some custom error handling, then use the reraise statement to pass control to te recovery system as usual

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Naresh J

  • Dec 28th, 2006


When ever you execute any Testcase in Automation 2 things are always mandatory.

  1. Prevalidation or verification for the exsisting Window/browser.
  2. Post validation or verification of Next Window/Browser.

Now during execution any other window/ browser is poping up etc, then those are called exception's, and that needs ur attention.

And that can be handled by DO EXCEPT method as said by Sheebha.

Well coming to what happends when a exception occurs WITHOUT a do except method, is clearly explained by Sheebha. But it applies only for Default base state not for the Rest. Also it does not apply when u run in suit file.


Naresh J

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  • Apr 21st, 2009

Suppose there is a testcase which has 3-verification functions in each verification function there is Do Except error handling statement.
In this case if first verification function fails, it will log the result to result file. the rest two verification functions will execute without aborting the test case.
so once the test case executes completely, user can see the result file and come to the conclusion which verification function got failed.
This is one use of exception handling.

As the name suggests, exception handling is used to handle any unexpected result.

During the execution of a test case, if the application do not behave as expected and the script gets an error, the build-in recovery system terminates the particular test case, close the current open all windows/browsers and navigate to the default base state of the application.

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Silk test support In the following built exception function:
ExceptCalls ( )
ExceptClear ( )
ExceptData ( )
ExceptLog function
ExceptPrint function
We have write code the like that do raise 1, "My error" except Print (ExceptData ())

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