Hi,i m giving one application..can u tell me how do we writetest cases for performance,stress and load testing..there is one bank application,where customer can login after giving a/c noand password and come for the main menu..in bank database 1000000 data can store and x no of user can login at atime and it takes 5 sec to open the main menu after entering the a/c noand password.

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers


  • Aug 23rd, 2006

Test cases
Performance: Application is working as per our requirements, application gives response with in specified time

Stress: More users can access the same application simultaneously or not.

If many user access the same application at same time it degrades the performance or not

Load: is application work flawlessly when multiple users hits the same application at the same time?
At maximum load on application the application degrades it's performance or not

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We can write the test cases but one thing is that we cannot get the
efficiency of testing for n number of users because it is stress Testing it is
nothing but putting the software under some pressure i.e testing for more than
the required amount, so it is very useful when it is tested with the help of
Load Runner only

Test Cases

1. Check whether when you give the correct userid and password the mail
account opens.
2. Verify if it not opens give correct used id and password.
3. Check whether it moves to home page of your mail.

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