In the BO universe, how to link two universe, like i have one universe in sales.uni and another is marketing.uni

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  • Jun 25th, 2006

In BO Designer, from File Menu -> Parameters -> Links tab on Universe Parameters box. Click Add link to link the universe. The linking universe should be exported and imported from repository before linking.

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  • Sep 12th, 2006

In the universe parameter, there is a option called link universe




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In BO desinger Click Edit->links. Universe Parameter dialog box opens to the link the universe. Then click Add Link button to select the universe from the list of Universes.
Then click ok.
You must export the Universe before it can be linked.


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  • Feb 17th, 2010

If you have to link two universes, first decide which is the the core universe and which universe is to be linked (derived universe). 

When you are in the core universe go to File --->Parameters ----> links tab  -----> add link (browse for the universe to be linked) ----> click OK

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  • Mar 25th, 2010

You can link universes in 2 ways.
1. Linking universe
2. Including universe
In #1, changes to the original univ will reflect in Linked universe.
in the Linked universe, you can not edit any thing of the univ which was linked.

In #2, Changes will not reflected.

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There are two ways:
1) At universe level we can link universe by parameters->Link option. The univese which is linked is called as derived universe and we cant manipulate it.
2) Inculde Universe- Which is in same path Parameters->Link->Include universe. By using this method we get a copy of universe and we can manipulate it and it will be easy to reduce the conditions and indexes.

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If you want to link marketing.uni with sales.uni, you must export the both universe by using export option from File Menu. Then open any one universe sales.uni or marketing.uni. Then apply following steps

1. Open or select the universe to be linked to a kernel universe.

2. Select the Parameters command from the File menu.Universe Parameters dialog box is displayed.

3.Click the Links tab of the dialog box.

4.Click the Add Link button.dialog box appears from which you can select a universe.

5.Click the universe to be linked to your active universe, and then click the Open button. Universe that you select is then displayed in the central pane of the Links tab.

6.Click the OK button. Components are displayed within the active window

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