MCA Graduate needs help with career

I belong to General Category. I passed the exams as follows:
10th with 59% only +2 with 65% only. Bsc computer sc. with 60% & finally MCA with 70% at 2001. I was very poor and not clever enough in passing aptitude tests and programming language tests conducted that made me feel down and hence, was not successful for a year. later then i worked as tutor for a month. then, i got opportunity to work as programmer for a reputed concern at chennai. i was feeling bad about comments and criticisms passed by one of the senior member of the same that made me to drop the offer and once again i was in search for the job. later, i took training in networking but was not feeling good to complete the same that made to leave the course in between. then i joined a organization as computer operator (temporary position) where i got an opportunity to work as autocad operator (temporary position) at abroad i was feeling good with the job performance and not felt job satisfaction that made me to get back to india. at present i had got trained in s/w testing but i am afraid whether i could get a suitable job for people ask for experience for the same. kindly let me know what to do ? can i become a good employee ? can i earn money ?
i am sad about my sorry state of being unemployed and do not courage and confidence to search for the jobs.
(the above said jobs that i performed was through reference.)

Questions by ShankarNarayan

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers


  • Jul 3rd, 2006

select a skill set and enhance'll definitely get a job.keep it up!

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First of all decide what are you would like to work in and then stick to it. Software testing is a good line to be in these days and you seem to have some training in that too. Since you do not have much experience, dont try to be too choosy initially. Look for a small company , where you would get an oppurtunity to hone what you have learnt in your training and then work hard there for at least a year or two. Gain some experience and then take the next step of moving to bigger companies. What I am trying to say is that take a step at a time. Be completely focussed and have confidence in yourself. There is enough shortage of qualified professionals , even in software testing field and if you approach these opportunities with the correct midset, you can capitalize on them.all the best.rgdskabir...

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