Call Center job advice for Software developer


I had graduated Master of Computer Applications at 2001 with 70%. I scored less than 60% in BSc computer sc, less than 70% in intermediate (+2) and less than 60% in matriculation (10).

Later then, I was not successful in getting the job in Software Development for a year. Then I tried to get trained in Networking but was not successful for 6 months. One of my friend got me an opportunity to work in software development (visual basic programmer trainee) but since i felt that the organization did not got me due respect for not issuing joining order & not paying me for than 3 months & also criticisms given by project manager about my performance l felt depressed left the job. Once again i started looking for the job. Later then i got opportunity to work as computer operator for a govt. organization through my father's friend .

Mean while i have learned autocad and got an opportunity to work as autocad operator at abroad through a friend. At abroad, I worked as AutoCAD operator for a year but i was given job handling manual drawings, office files & equipment maintenance, computer data entry operator, taking xeroxes etc. with own interest, i prepared a report for work progress of the organization in excel using visual basic for application. During i was severely depressed feeling of myself being isolated and departed from my profession. After completion of one year contract, i opted to return back to india. But, Now i am being in no where state. during past 1 and half month while i took training in software testing from a concern. At interviews, they are asking for experience which i am lacking.

I had applied for call center exec position for which i am lacking voice accent and excellent communication. What job shall i do ? Can i get back to the software development field ? is it possible ? Kindly answer!

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Hi, Since you have some experience in autocad and that means solid modelling, why dont your try to get employed with some leading architechts or construction companies. There is a construction boom currently in India and I believe there are lots of companies that do their drawing and walk-throughs of their proposed plans to show to their clients. Through autocad, you could also try to get a job in the design dept. of automobile or automobile ancillary units(eg. bharat forge, big forging company) in India since this industry is also booming. Additionally, you could take some training on an animation and modelling package like 3D studio max and try for the entertainment industry/advertisnment industry/commercials. If you want to get back to core software development, I guess you may need to do an advanced 2/3+ years course from an institute like NIIT, etc and then probably start from begining in your career.all the best and hope this helps.rgdskabir...

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