Editorial / Best Answer
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You can use object spy to get the name of the first page number (i.e. the "#1" button string will have either a 1 or a 0 in its string.)
Then you can change this to a variable(say "x") and then use descriptive programming for the string.
You will then have a Loop statement (preferably a For...Next Loop) to check on the max number of page number links that are available on the primary screen (say 5 is the max) and see if "Next Button" is still high lighted.
If it is, click on next after reaching 5 till "Next button" is disabled or does not exist.
When Next button is disabled, the Value of "x" is the total number of result pages(ie if the #1 link starts with a logical number of 1) and x +1 if the #1 link starts with a logical number of 0.
How to write code in the Expert View for a Search engine?
Editorial / Best Answer
Answered by: Guest
You can use object spy to get the name of the first page number (i.e. the "#1" button string will have either a 1 or a 0 in its string.)
Then you can change this to a variable(say "x") and then use descriptive programming for the string.
You will then have a Loop statement (preferably a For...Next Loop) to check on the max number of page number links that are available on the primary screen (say 5 is the max) and see if "Next Button" is still high lighted.
If it is, click on next after reaching 5 till "Next button" is disabled or does not exist.
When Next button is disabled, the Value of "x" is the total number of result pages(ie if the #1 link starts with a logical number of 1) and x +1 if the #1 link starts with a logical number of 0.
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