What is descriptive programming?

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  • Jun 18th, 2006

hi,i think Descriptive programming means with out mention the description in Object repository, we can directly mention the description in Test script is known as descriptive programming

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  • Jun 28th, 2006

It is use ful for early development of the scripts based on the prototype.

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Ajay Majgaonkar

  • Oct 10th, 2006

Descriptive programming is widely used with respective automated testing using off the shelf tools. Descriptive programming is ignoring tool features to manage object repository seperately and using alias for objects from object repository. It is writing the script with all the information needed by the language interpretor to execute the code and not using alias for object declarations.

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  • Jul 30th, 2007

QTP cannot take action(Run) on an object until unless its object description is in the Object Repository. But descriptive programming provides a way to perform action on objects which are not in Object repository.
Descriptive Programming can be considered useful in following case:
1.The objects in the application are dynamic in nature
2.When you don’t want to use object repository at all.
3.when object repository  is taking more space

During the run session, QuickTest finds the object in the object repository based on its name and parent objects, and uses the stored test object description for that test object to identify the object in your application.
You can also instruct QuickTest to perform methods on objects without referring to the object repository or to the object's name. To do this, you provide QuickTest with a list of properties and values that QuickTest can use to identify the object or objects on which you want to perform a method. Such a programmatic description can be very useful if you want to perform an operation on an object that is not stored in the object repository. You can also use programmatic descriptions to perform the same operation on several objects with certain identical properties, or to perform an operation on an object whose properties match a description that you determine dynamically during the run session .
For Example

Window("Error").WinButton("text:=OK", "width:=50").Click

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  • Nov 21st, 2012

Descriptive Programming used to bypass OR. Descriptive programming is used when we want to perform an operation on an object that is not present in the object repository. There can be various valid reason to do so.
There are two ways in which descriptive programming can be used

1. By giving the description in form of the string arguments.
2. By creating properties collection object for the description.

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