Why do we need to create a force view?what is its purpose?give some examples?

Questions by rajanipriya   answers by rajanipriya

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers


  • Jun 7th, 2006

It is some times important to create a view even if the base table does not exist and we are planning to create one but not yet decided the structure, in that case one can create force view. This view can not be accessed and it will be in 'invalid' state unless and untill you will create a base table and compile the force view.



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  • Jun 17th, 2006

force view is faster than normal view.

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D. Madhu

  • Jun 29th, 2006

Force view

When we are creating a view for an existing table that is called a normal view.

If there is no table but we need to create a view. Then we will go for this force view. means there is no table also we can create a view by using this force key word.


create or replace view force


select * from emp

Thanks & Regards

D. Madhu

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  • Jul 12th, 2006


The purpose of creating view is data hiding . instead of select privilage to a table we create a view and grant select privilage

Thanks And Regards


Polaris Software lab

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  • Jul 16th, 2006

but what is the use of creating a force view if there is no base table?

please can any one explain in detail where exactly it is used and how it is used.

thank u

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Mohamed Irfan

  • Dec 26th, 2006


    Force views are created in real time environment as per the business needs because of two specific reasons

1. If the structure of the base table is not completely known (ie) in some development environments the base tables may not be created w/o knowing the complete structure and defenitions.

2. The force view scripts are reusable in datawarehousing environments where migration of data from one db to other will occus, so they use the same script in diff databases even if the base table may be created afterwads.




  • Jul 19th, 2007

The force view can be created before base table is created .when the table is created
it is automatically activated.we can create base table with any structure

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