1.win runner support .net applications(QTP supports.net)
2.Audio and video moving objects applications (Multimedia).
3.we need to install approiated add in to test the application. for example(we ned to have web addin to test web application) java addin for testing java applications.
Jun 6th, 2006
using winrunner we can test only windows based application. winrunner works with only windows environment.
Jun 6th, 2006
1) we cannot test mobile applications in winrunner
3) We cannot test the web page 100% in winrunner
Jun 7th, 2006
Hi Sachin,
who said to you winrunner will work on windows based application ? it works on web based applications also. If you know the answer correctly then only give the answer.
Nov 9th, 2006
i need some basic interview ques,that may be asked in any software testing company...
What we can't test using WinRunner?