What does IEFBR14 utility is used for?

Questions by pradeepbhatt   answers by pradeepbhatt

Showing Answers 1 - 52 of 52 Answers


  • May 30th, 2006


   IEFBR14 is an IBM-supplied assembler program,which does nothing but gives control to os/390. It forces os/390 to executes the subsequent job steps of allocation or deallocation. This is one way of creating datasets.




  • Jun 29th, 2006


    The IEFBR14 UTILITY  is used to copy one pds to another pds

  thank u


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  • Jul 28th, 2006

 IEFBR14 is a dummy utility


  • Sep 7th, 2006

Hi, can you please give me the example.

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rama krishna

  • Sep 20th, 2006

This utility is uded to delete the o/p data sets in production

i mean when u run the production job for the first time it will create o/p data sets ,when u run the same job for the second time either we need to manually delete the existing o/p data sets or we can use IEFBR14 or UCC11 utility to delete already existing data sets with DISP as new

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Nihar Ranjan Karan

  • Sep 22nd, 2006


IEFBR14 is not considered by IBM as an utility. It is a dummy program.

It can be used for a variety of things:

1. Creating Datasets  

2. Deleting Datasets by Giving DISP=(MOD,DELETE,DELETE). The advantage it provides is even if the dataset does not exist, it will create and delete the dataset and give a low return code as 4.

3. It is used for setting a return code to 0. Just simply Execute the IEFBR14.


  • Sep 29th, 2006

this is a null prgm,used to code function that r commonly available in the DD statement such as creation,deletion &updation of dataset.since the progm does nothing,it can be used to check the syntax of jcl.

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  • Nov 5th, 2006



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  • Dec 7th, 2006


Basically its a null program. but we can use to catalog un catalog between the datasets.

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evangeline lashley

  • Apr 2nd, 2007

I know IEFBR14 utility is used to delete datasets.  What else can it be used for?  Please give me an example in JCL too.



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  • Aug 15th, 2007

IEFBR14 is a dummy utility. It's function is to do what disposition parameter DD says. You can
1) Create a PS, PDS, Dummy, Temporary datasets
2) Delete a datasets
3) Create a KSDS datasets

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  • Sep 15th, 2007

Executes a branch to register 14 (return to caller). 

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  • May 2nd, 2008

Sample JCL using the dummy utility IEFBR14 is as follows:

//STEP0001 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14                      
//DELDD    DD DSN=xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz,

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If IEFBR14 is executed as a standalone batch program; i.e.,        
     //JS10   EXEC PGM=IEFBR14                                     
then it provides a convenient way to insert a job step into a given
job which is guaranteed to set a return code of zero. 

This job step can also be used to catalog or delete specified data sets from within a batch job.

For example, to delete existing, cataloged  
data set 'MY.DATA.SET', the following job step could be used:    
     //JS20   EXEC PGM=IEFBR14                                   
     //DD1    DD   DSN=MY.DATA.SET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE)             

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This is a famous utility which also known as DUMMY UTILITY.
If i give DSN=DUMMY then when the job is executed, the job gets scanned. It makes the OS to feel that there a virtual file & only read is permitted.

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  • Aug 1st, 2011

it is used to create the datasets!!

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  • Sep 14th, 2011

It is used for creating new dataset with JCL.

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  • Mar 9th, 2012

It is used for creating as well as deleting the datasets, it should be the first step in the jcl to delete the duplicate datasets which were created by the last job run and which was failed due to some abend..

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  • Sep 13th, 2012

It is a data utility which is used to create new or empty dataset.

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Nilesh soni

  • Nov 19th, 2014

No dude , big no. iefbr14 is only used for allocating, deletion and cataloging.
IEBGENER is used for copying one pds to another pds

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  • Dec 18th, 2014

IEFBR14 does not "create" or delete files , GDGs, etc. IEFBR14 does nothing but allows a job step to execute. The JCL in the step (and the O/S) creates, catalogs, deletes files, etc. the same way they do in any other successful job step. IEFBR14 just substitutes for a job step but does nothing of its own other than set the job return code to zero for a successful step execution.

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  • Jan 6th, 2015

we cont create a KSDS using IEFBR14

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  • Jan 27th, 2015

IEFBR14 utility is used to create the ps and pds file...and these uitility is only used for the non-vsam

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Medha Agrawal

  • Feb 3rd, 2015

It is a null program i.e; does not do any changes to the program.
Hence, this utility is used to check the syntax of the program.

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  • Sep 8th, 2015

IEBGENER Does that.

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sai prasad

  • Dec 17th, 2015

It is also named as DUMMY utility. By using this utility we can create & delete PS & PDS

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  • Apr 26th, 2016

Hi Jawahar
IEBFR14 is one of the IBM JCLS uTILITY which is used for the disposition of Datasets depending on the parameters you give. I.e. either you can delete,keep,or catlg the datasets. Mostly used in production JCLs FOR deleting the workfiles after consuption.

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  • Jun 11th, 2016

IEFBR14 is used to create one PS or PDS dataset with user specified parameter in programatically

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  • Sep 7th, 2019

IEFBR14 utility is usually used to create an empty dataset or delete an existing dataset.
The IEFBR14 is also called as dummy utility. It can also be used to check the syntax of your JCL without affecting any datasets by mentioning DISP=(NEW,DELETE,DELETE).
When you want to introduce a dummy JOB in your batch application, you can make use of this utility.

DISP=(OLD,DELETE,DELETE) - To delete existing dataset.
DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE) - To create new dataset.

Note: IEFBR14 is not considered by IBM as a utility program. However, it is used like a utility that does not do anything by itself.

This example shows how IEFBR14 is used to create a PS file.
// SPACE=(TRK,(3,5))

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