How can we tell the difference between seeded tables, static tables and the main transaction tables?

Questions by sbagai2001   answers by sbagai2001

Showing Answers 1 - 7 of 7 Answers


  • Oct 17th, 2006

difference between seeded table, static table and transactinal table...let's use term seeded data instead of table to simplify..1) seeded data : it comes with oracle application...exa. countries,teritorries ..2)system or static data : user defined default values exa. customer default values..3)Transactional data : more frequencly used data... exa . invoice, order details...shitul.Oracle Apps Cosultant.

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  • Jan 18th, 2007


Seeded Tables - Fnd_table name are the seeded tables in apps

Static Tables - Static tables are one that are updated using some scripts or triggers.

Transactions tables - Tables that link the trasactions between modules (Eg: PO & AP) or Tables in which a transaction data gets stored.



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Andy Noble

  • Oct 25th, 2007

You can tell based on the TABLESPACE the table belongs to - this is the new Oracle Applications Tablespace Model (OATM)

Run the following code to see:

SELECT tablespace_name, table_name
FROM all_tables
WHERE tablespace_name LIKE '%SEED%' -- seeded data
AND table_name LIKE 'FND%'

SELECT tablespace_name, table_name
FROM all_tables
WHERE tablespace_name LIKE '%TX%' -- transaction data
AND table_name LIKE 'FND%'

SELECT tablespace_name, table_name
FROM all_tables
WHERE tablespace_name LIKE '%ARCHIVE%' -- static data
AND table_name LIKE 'FND%'

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  • Jul 1st, 2016

What is the static table and dynamic table in Oracle? Please say What are the difference between 10g and 11g

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