A. Can someone please tell me what is the date tracked option and how to use it?b. Can I delete an employee from a table?c. What is the difference between APIs and DataPumps?d. What are user hooks?e. Can we see the time stamp also with the "from" and "to" dates?

Showing Answers 1 - 7 of 7 Answers

1. DateTrack adds the dimension of time to an application?s database.

The value of a DateTracked record depends on the date from which

you are viewing the data. For example, querying an employee?s annual

salary with an effective date of 12?JUL?1992 might give a different

value than a query with an effective date of 01?DEC?1992. However,

the application and the user see the employee?s pay as a single record.

For more information to how to use it look at this document available in Oracle web site

Implementing Oracle HRMS (US)


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  • Dec 1st, 2006

a. Can someone please tell me what is the date tracked option and how to use it?

If the table had effective_start_date and effective_end_date columns, then its called date tracked table. e.g. in a person table per_all_people_f it tells us when the person started and ended his employent with a company. if he is still an employee then effective_end_date= 01-Dec-4712 for tht employee.

b. Can I delete an employee from a table?

you can, but this is will end ur support licence. Oracle suggest that u never touch these shipped tables. its never practised by developers at all. BEWARE.. never do this.

c. What is the difference between APIs and DataPumps?

API are plsql procedures which insert data based on some validations.API's also do a host of other activities.Donno abt data pumps in detail..sorry..

d. What are user hooks?

No Idea..

e. Can we see the time stamp also with the "from" and "to" dates?

No u cant see time stamps. tht concept is not used in Apps. Only DD-MON-YYYY is available

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Srinivas Garnepudi

  • Dec 1st, 2006

Hooks.if you are looking for the API Hooks, see the following detailsAPI HooksAPI User Hooks allow users to extend the business logic of the standardbusiness rules that are executed by APIs. This is done by allowing customprocedures to be called at specific points in the standard APIs. For instance,a user may want to implement User Hooks for one of the following reasons: . To extend the validation of data beyond what the standard system provides. . To maintain data held in extra customer specific tables (not part of Oracle Applications) as it is entered. . To send alerts when particular events happen within Oracle Human Resources Management System(HRMS.)The table HR_API_HOOKS contains all the hooks available for each API modulelisted in the HR_API_MODULES table.select module_name from hr_api_moduleswhere api_module_type = 'AI'

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  • Mar 26th, 2007

The Connection Manager manages the MPI listener (not the SQL*Net V2 listener process TNSLSNR) and data pumps for the MPI.  
It also assigns each connection request dedicated by the MPI listener to a data pump. 

Data pumps are the MPI interface between two protocol communities, which are able to send and receive
SQL*Net V2 transactions in the protocol of the systems being serviced.  
The data pumps do not perform protocol translation, such as a router might. 
The pump unpacks the SQL*Net V2 transaction in one protocol and repackages it
for sending in another protocol.

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