1]In certain mapping there are four targets tg1,tg2,tg3 and tg4.tg1 has a primary key,tg2 foreign key referencing the tg1's primary key,tg3 has primary key that tg2 and tg4 refers as foreign key,tg2 has foreign key referencing primary key of tg4 ,the order in which the informatica will load the target?2]How can I detect aggregate tranformation causing low performance?

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • May 25th, 2006

T1 and T3 are being the master table and don't have any foreign key refrence to other table will be loaded first. Then T3 will be loaded as it's master table T3 is already been loaded. and at the end T2 will be loaded as it's all master table T1, T3, and T2  to witch it refers has been already loaded.

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  • Jul 5th, 2006

To optimize the aggregator transformation, you can use the following options.

  • Use incremental aggregation
  • Sort the ports before you perform aggregation
  • Avoid using aggregator transformation after update strategy, since it might be confusing.

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