What are the testcases for lift

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

Archana Gaikwad

  • May 29th, 2006

Testcases of lift--->

1.Capacity of lift

2.Height of lift

3,Width of lift

4.Security provided(red indicator,alarm)

5.Name of the company.

6.Space provided

7.Number exceeds than specified what security is provided

8.Wheather it comes to ground floor,top floor

9. programming provided by using PLC(top-down or can again come down)

10.If it is empty.


  • May 29th, 2006

1. Performance testcases

2. Load testcases

3. Pressing floor number beyond the existing ones

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Test Cases for lift

1. Check when you press from the outside of the lift it should be opened when
it is in ground floor
2. Verify it should give a beep when it reaches opens you
3. Check it should display in the outer box that from which floor it comes to
reach us
4. Check when you step in to the lift after 10 seconds when it knows nothing in
the door it to be closed automatically
5. Check when you give or press the number to which upto the floor it be
6. Check when you press different no`s it should be highlighted
7. Check upto the capacity of the lift only the load is given
8. Verify when you are going upwards on the first floor it any one pressed the
lift it should stop there
9. Verify on reaching the correct floor it should be automatically stopped and
10. Verify when the lift is empty when any one touches it should reach very fastly

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To check whether the lift accepts

1. Opens when the button is pressed
2. Closes 
3. Throws error msg heavy load is included
4. Goes to proper floors when proper button is pressed
5. Diplays the floor number


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