What is the difference between Functionality and GUI testing in a web based project? Does field validation come under GUI or functionality testing?

Questions by prabhu_007   answers by prabhu_007

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers

Suresh Rayalla

  • May 30th, 2006

GUI Testing: GUI Testing means checking the availability of controls (fields, buttons, dropdowns, etc..) on the application.

GUI Testing not comes under Functionality Testing.

Functionality Testing: Validation of actual functionality of Controls after giving input to certain fields in the application.

We can devide System Testing into following categories,

1. Functionality Testing

2. GUI Testing

3. Performance Testing

4. Security Testing ....etc.


  • Sep 19th, 2006

Actually, the GUI tesing is nothing but , the testing of external funcitonality of the application, where else the funcionality testing is testing the internal funcionality of the application.

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GUI Testing: Test if the objects are displayed exactly how they are supposed to display.Fuctional testing: Test if the GUI objects are functioning correctly, fulfilling the purpose for which they are added to the application.I think field validation comes in Functional testing, cause in GUI testing we only only test that a field is displayed and if it is editable or not.


  • Jul 8th, 2010

Functionality Testing means you are testing the system to make sure it is functioning correctly. For eg. login in a page. Are you able to login correctly with the username and password.

Another example for functionality would be if there are any calculations that need to be done on any web page, are the calculations happening correctly, this would be checking functionality.

On the other hand for GUI testing,you would be resting the textboxes,fonts,links,buttons. In the above login example, GUI testing would be making sure the boxes look correct visually. All the boxes or links or buttons are getting displayed etc.

To answer your question, field validation would be GUI testing.

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  • Aug 25th, 2015

How agile is best when compared to existing methodologies?

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  • Apr 7th, 2016

Functionality testing is to check the way your web page or project response to various activities performed by the user in short checking the functionality of your project where as GUI testing is about the appearance of your project mainly html part.
Field validation is a part of GUI testing

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Ramakrishna Mallela

  • Nov 12th, 2016

Our Modern world requirements are changing continuously.
Agile Model advantages:
1) Error can be fixed in middle of the phase
2) Late change Requests also welcome
3) In agile model developers and testers work together and face to face communication is very best.
4) Documentation is not required

I hope that is why Agile is best compared to other models

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Nasruddin Shaik

  • Nov 7th, 2017

Functional Testing: Functional Testing is done to ensure that over-all functionalities of an applications is working as per spec document.
GUI Testing: GUI Testing is done to ensure that the applications GUI is displayed as per the design document (links, images, buttons, text box etc. ). GUI Testing comes under non-functional testing.
Note: Field validation comes under functional testing (EX: Checking whether it is accepting alphabets, numerals, special characters).
Field Displaying as per design document comes under GUI Testing.

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