Why HTTP is called as stateless?what is this statelessness?what is state of this protocol?

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Kaushal Patel

  • Jun 2nd, 2006

HTTP is called a  stateless protocol because each command is executed independently, without any knowledge of the commands that came before it.

Stateless means having no information about what occurred previously. Most modern applications maintain state, which means that they remember what you were doing last time you ran the application, and they remember all your configuration settings. This is extremely useful because it means you can mold the application to your working habits.

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is a protocol used mainly to access data on WWW. The protocol transfers data on form of plain text, hpertext,audio,videoetc.called hypertext since its efficiency allowa it to use in a hypertext envt where there are rapid jumps from one document to another.Stateless : Servers typically receive requests from many diff clients,and servers are only aware of a particular client until they fulfill a request with a response. Afterthat ,servers forget abt the client .thats y called stateless protocol

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