How product based testing differs from Project based testing.give me a suitable example

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  • Jun 3rd, 2006


there is no much difference between  producta and project. product is some thign that first it will be developed, tested and sale it to clients, where as project is taking teh erequirement, develop, test and then hand over to client

1) product will take lot of changes accordign to different clients and the nature of business.where as applciation take only few changes untill client satifies.

2) single product can be sold to multiple clients, wehre as applciations are as per the client requirement

3) product--demo--client approve--sale

applciaiton--client requirement--develop--approve

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  • Oct 23rd, 2006

Product Testing: Testing will be never ending as you have to test the product by keeping in view a lay man. As product will not have limited users example like it will be used by different users around the world round the clock.

Project Testing: Tester will release the application once all the requirements mentioned by client are tested. The application will be used only by the client and his related parties. A Project will have limited users. Example like some project related to a automobile industry.

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Project: Requirements will come from client for specific client.
             Less percentage for the CR's

Product: Requirements will come for several clients, need to take care of globalization
              More percentage for the CR's as there would be mulitple clients..


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  • Oct 20th, 2011

I cannot stress enough that as a QA you are only concerned what type of application you are working on.
Even in a "product" application, each release will have a certain set of requirements just like the project (as you call it) Every application needs continuous maintenance up until the point its abandoned.

in all the previous answers people have pointed out the structural difference between the product and project environments. By environment I do not mean the sites AKA testing environments. AS a QA you will never be bothered by this as you only concern is if the application adheres to quality and does what's it designed to do. That's all!

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