How can we perform testing without expected results?

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  • May 24th, 2006

hi ,

As per if application behaves as per the SRS or meets customers requirement in that case we can test with out expected result.

any other comments

correct me if i m wrong !!


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  • May 25th, 2006

For that u should have hands on experience in testing various products or projects, u should know the common restrictiona dn rules made to test the basic features. should know path and use of each input u make use of it, whenever test it. make a note on the common practises do in ur company for certain user.


Name: characters only, 30 charaters only. where the name will display when it ais added

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Main concept in testing is the expected result.By knowing the expected behaviour of the application or system from SRS and FDS ,we can derive a test case.When executed the derived test case's ,actual result is noted.Any deviation from the expected is considered as a defect.

In Adhoc testing ,there is no need of a test case,but if we want to log a defect ,we should know the expected behaviour of the application or a system.

There is only one possibility for this question according to me.Exploratory testing.

An interactive process of concurrent product exploration, test design, and test execution. The heart of exploratory testing can be stated simply. The outcome of this test influences the design of the next test.Tester will explore the product or application and will note down the expected result and will design a test case and execute the test.



  • Aug 8th, 2006

Dera friend Accroding to me for each and every test case there will be a expected result

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  • Oct 2nd, 2006

As per my experience there should be some expected result in every test. It is not a proper test without defining the expected result.

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Suppose, if an application is already developed and with some older Technologies (ex MS Access or VB) and wanted to upgrade whole application with new technologies like .NET or Java, in this scenario by assuming the older version as a base application we can test the new application, so here we no need the expected results. 
But for new technologies we might need to test new features that were provided by new technologies so preparing test cases to cover all functionalities is the better way to provide a quality product and as other too said that To compare application's behaviour we should have some expected value and with out expected value a test case is not a complete one. We can test an application with out test case and that is exploratory testing.

Plz correct me if I am wrong

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  • Mar 7th, 2009

In brief, "Adhock" testing or "free form" testing which are done without
having any test scripts are known as testing without expected results.
But keep in mind that in these cases also we have some exception and if that do
not reached then we will raise defect. These exception might be related with the
experience/understanding of appl. under test and SRS of appl. under test.

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