Write a test case of pen and login window?

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers

kitty malhotra

  • May 18th, 2006

Pen1 weight of pen2 height of pen3 diameter of pen4 softness/hardness of grip area5 color of ink6 probability of leakage7 strength of pen8 ease of writing

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  • May 20th, 2006

Login window:

1 focus to window

2 height,wedth of the text boxes

2 enter username for allow lowercase, special charecters (some of char allow only),numericals.

3 password, which is encrypted only allow

4 then enable "ok"button.

5 if miss matching of any username&password then it display the worning message window

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  • Oct 5th, 2006

Tc for pen

1. According to requirement whether it is ball pen or ink pen.

2. Height, Diameter of pen also width of point.

3. When ink is there whether it is writing or not. When ink is not there same.

Tc for login

1. for no of char it should accept do euivalence partitioning.

2. try for special, Numeric, alphanumeric char for username and p[assword.

3. Leave blank space for username and press tab. same for password.

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Test cases for Login Window

1.Check whether firstname field accept only alphabets

2.Check whether last name field accept only alphabets

3.Check firstname last name cannot accept other than alphabets - negative

4.Check the login name field accept only alphabets numerics and special 
characters except dot.

5.Check whether the desired login name is created only when it displays specific 
name is available.

6.Check whether desired login name cannot be created with existing login name - 

7.Check password accept more than 8 characters 

8.Check password cannot accept less than 8 characters - negative

9.Check the password and re-enter password field be the matched

10.Check it display a message when password and re-enter password mismatches - 

11.Check whether you can view the security question

12.Check whether answer field cannot be null.

13.Verify whether secondary mail field entered with valid id

14.Verify whether your location is present in the location field

15.Verify whether the captcha entered and available is correct.

16.Check every time you refresh or selecting i accept it display a new captcha

17.Check captcha be unique

18.Check captcha is case sensitive

19.Check when i accept is selected it moves to next page

20.Check when any required field is not entered or entered with the wrong values 
it display a message with red color font

Test Cases For Pen

1.Check whether the pen writes in which colour
2.Check whether the pen is ballpoint or Ink
3.Check whether the pen is very attractive
4.Check whether the pen is very compact in writing
5.Check whether the pen`s liquid is very transparency
6.Check whether the pen is writing in different conditions
7.Check whether we are writing in the pen for too many hours it cannot be tensed
8.Check whether the pen falls down the pen cannot get affected

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