What is the difference between REQUIREMENT & SPECIFICATION ?Please brief about .Thanks & Best Regards.Zahir hussainCHENNAI.

Questions by zahirhussain

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

Susma Jayalalitha

  • Apr 27th, 2006

hi all

Requirements means: Demanding

specifications means: documents

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Pankaj Singh

  • Apr 30th, 2006


? are descriptions that are sufficient for building the product

? are implementable requirements

? correctness condition:

If the product fulfills the specification, the system fulfills the requirements.


? constrain actions that are controlled by the environment

Example: The elevator is not be overloaded.

? refer to actions that are not observable by the product

Example: The elevator should go to a floor where people are waiting.

? make constraints for the future

Example: As soon as a user has dialed the last digit, he receives the dial

tone, the busy signal, or the announcement ?number not assigned?.

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  • May 3rd, 2006

Then what is Requirement specifications and when this will be prepared ?

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Rashmi Udugani Shashikumar

  • May 3rd, 2006

Requirements means

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Rashmi Udugani Shashikumar

  • May 3rd, 2006

Requirements: means statements by the customer what the system has to achieve.

Specifications:Requirements when passed to developers who prepares a specifications This changes the focus from what the system shall achieve to how it will achieve it by defining it in computer terms

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Mahesh Kumar.G

  • May 25th, 2006

Requirements: What the clients want?

Specification:How the requirement has to be met?

Ex:Requirement - Client want a Pen?

Ex:specification - Pen should be a ink pen,green colour,10 cm height,1cm width and so on.




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REQUIREMENT: "What a client wants..." A documented need of what a particular product or service should be or do.

SPECIFICATION: "How to get there..." Explicitly states essential technical attributes/requirements for a product and procedures to determine that the product's performance meets its requirements/attributes.

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