If there is game which has 20 levels an expert can only play the game upto 20 levels if i am as a normal person or tester can play the game upto 12th level then how i will test the game upto 20th level. Please guide me

Questions by Jivesh_tulec

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • May 24th, 2006


In this case , either the game should provide level selection options to user , if this facility is not provided by develeoper then a tester can put a enhancement.

on the conterary , if level selection options are provided then while testing you can select as expert , in this way you can continue testing till 20 th level.

Any other comments ????



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From your question,there is a game which is having 20 levels and only expert can play only 20 levels.Ordinary players can play upto 12th level.I got a doubt that if i am unable to play upto 6th level,than what is the situation?This means that i cannot test the other levels?

In general scenario as a tester ,you need to understand the requirements and functionality of the game.Access previleges must be given to a tester to test all the levels individually.After integrating all the levels,he can start from the 1st level to 20th level.If a tester plays level 1 and wins that level,he can be able to enter the next level.If he looses,he should not be able to enter the next level,and it is according to the requirement.But in this situation he can now assure to the client that he already tested each and every level individually and after integration also ,it is working properly,though i have not played all 20 levels.

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  • Sep 26th, 2006


As a tester for the very first time you can try to finish the level as much as possible. After that for complete testing you can ask the developer to give cheat codes so that u can able to play all 20 levels.

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This situation will not be happened in real time, because if an application given for testing , the tester should have a full access to invoke any of the level, other wise it's meaning less.

  And one more thing, this type of applications cant give to a person who doesnt know as how to paly the game, first of all they will give the training and then whey will allow to do the tesitng.


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I agree with CNU on his first point. It is very unlikely that the game will be delivered to a test team without an easy way to access each level. Imagine attempting to reproduce a bug in level 20 and having to play the entire game in order to reach the defective segment! Not very efficient, is it? Real-world test environments allow testers ready access to various levels as well as insertion points within levels.

Nevertheless, I respectfully disagree with CNU on his second point. Game companies hire enthusiastic gamers that may or may not know how to play certain games. It is often a good idea to place testers on games who don’t know (and perhaps don’t even enjoy) the games they are testing. One important aspect of game testing is assessing how easy games are to learn and the intuitiveness of their game play. You can’t do this if you train your testers on how to play these games before they test them. For these reasons, training game testers on how to play games doesn’t occur much in the gaming industry.

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