What is a Universe?

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  • Apr 7th, 2005

Universe is a symantec layer between database and the actual user useing the objects for query. It hides the typical database structure from the user.

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Puneet teng

  • May 24th, 2005

A "universe" is a "Business object" terminology. Business objects also happens to be the name of the company. The universe is the interfacing layer between the client and the datawarehouse . The universe defines the relationship among the various tables in the datawarehouse.

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  • Jul 5th, 2005

universe is a file which contains the conection parameter for one or more databse middle ware. 
It also contains classes and objects that are related to the database.

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shivanand irali

  • Nov 12th, 2005

Universe is a file which has defined by set of classes, objects, relational logical database structure  and database connection.

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  • Dec 2nd, 2005

          Universe is ann layer between the backend Database and Front end tool of reports. In This We have an Metadat about the database and connection,Classes, and Objects.In The Universe the dta structure will be modified as Business Terminology and user can easily understand .

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  • Jan 10th, 2006

A universe is a business-oriented mapping of the data structure found in databases: tables, columns, joins, etc. It can represent any specific application, system, or group of users. For example, a universe can relate to a department in a company such as marketing or accounting.

In the BusinessObjects User module, universes enable end users to build queries from which they can generate and perform analysis.



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Fred Newbrough

  • Jan 22nd, 2006

A universe is a semantic layer or in more familiar terms a data abstraction layer which is built with the Business Objects Designer tool. This semantic layer is where you define your "Business Objects" which are essentially encapsulated snippets of SQL that when properly built express a leggo-like bit of business logic that can in the reporting tool or through an application be used and reused to build reports. The genuis of this is that this data abstration layer sits between the database and your reports or application. This means that even if the database structure changes, that instead of being required to change what could be hundreds or even thousands of reports throughout an organization to accomodate the change, you instead make the changes in the universe and those changes are automatically passed through to all the reports. This has numerous benefits one being that it allows a much more flexible environment for preparing for and facilitating change in an organization.

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Gove Reddy

  • Jul 6th, 2006

Universe is a Metadata layer which contain the database objects between the end user and the target database

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Universe is a semantic layer between database and BO reports.  It is the collections of classes that are intended for a particular group of users. It is the business represntation of data warehouse.

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  • Apr 8th, 2008

Universe is a symantec layer between dataWare house  and the actual user useing the objects for query. It hides the typical database structure from the user.

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  • Jul 17th, 2009

A Business Objects universe is a collection of classes that is intended for a particular group of users.A class is a logical collection of objects. Most classes in Business Objects correspond to a table in the Data Warehouse.

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  • Oct 18th, 2010

Universe is a symantic layer that hide technical complexities thereby maps the data with the database through class and objects which are created by business users (ie we) for clients.

Universe can create a query, users retrieve the required data in terms of business terminology.

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  • Aug 22nd, 2011

Universe is a Semantic Model or you can Layer which helps to connect users to different databases to design module for business requirement.

Universe is a methodology to modify the structure of data with out changing original data.

There are 7 types of parameters when you design universe.

Hope you understand.

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  • Apr 10th, 2013

Middle layer of the data base table to Reporting tool

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  • Jan 20th, 2014

An answer to explain to end users: What is a universe??

A universe is a business-oriented mapping of a set of Epic Clarity or other data that is focused on a specific content area or user need. A universe is the tool that users interact with, in business-terms (not technical terms), rather than interacting directly with the database. Think back to Venn diagrams: sets, subsets, supersets, universes. A universe is the entire set of all data elements that can be reported using that universe. The sets of data in a universe are broken down in groups that are logical to you as users (not like in the database) in a drill-down user interface so you can find elements easily.]

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