What is a walkthrough? what is a review? in software industries.

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  • Jun 17th, 2006

hi frnds...

Before discussing what  is a walkthrough n review...?

we have to know what is verification? verification means whether the process we r following is correct or not for tht we done walkthrogh's n review's n inspections.

WALK-THROUGH: These are informal review meetings which are conducted by peer-employees

REVIEWS: These are formal and conducted by management level people,they will review documents, code for completeness and correctness,this are mandatory.

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  • Oct 9th, 2006

walkthrough:A review of requirements, designs or code characterized by the author of the object under review guiding the progression of the review.

review:A process in which one or more persons checks changed documents or data to determine if the changes are correct.

sudhakar kolla,

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puri nagesh

  • Jan 2nd, 2014

the walk through is the verify or update the task on the time so it is called as the walk through.

the review is similar to the walkthrough but it is the difference in that review is the actually take risk on any time for the completion of the task so it is very import to that.

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Sandeep Kumar

  • Jun 14th, 2014

Reviews:- reviews are internal meeting. It is done within the team to check about the progress of team work.
Mistakes are within the team and it is not open to all.

Walkthrough:- Walkthrough is a formal meeting with every team leader to check the status of the project.

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