What is Smart Identification in QTP

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  • Mar 28th, 2006


Smart Identificaton is applicable for web application only. Record one object from application and modify the object property and execute your script. You will get one worning message in result. Navigate to working message in result file and read the note for smart identification.

Smart Identification is nothing but, if any property of test object is not matching with run time object property, it will write an worning to result and  execute rest of the steps.

Note: In the result Cap symbol will added for smart identification. (By looking in to this we can say that properties of test object is not matching with run-time object)

Ravi Konka

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  • Apr 5th, 2006

Any property of test object is not matching with run time object property, it will write an worning to result and  execute rest of the steps.



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  • Apr 14th, 2006

Smart Identificaton is applicable for web application only. Record one object from application and modify the object property and execute your script. You will get one worning message in result. Navigate to working message in result file and read the note for smart identification.

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  • May 18th, 2006

Generally object identification is used for to identify the GUI objects in the screen. When u recording the script automatically the object identifer records the objects in the screen (in winrunner we had GUI map configuration).

But, this smart identification will be idetified the objects. Whether this objects is developed with same technology or not.

Eg: Application is devloped in JAVA but in places we used some microsoft controls. Where generally the QTP will have to recongnise the componenets at that time smart identification will identify the objects.

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Shiba Shankar Tripathy

  • Jul 17th, 2006


 Smart Identification is used by QTP, whenever it is unable to identify any object during run time. While identifying an object, QTP tries to match the mandatory properties first, if it couldn't find the object, then it adds assistive properties one by one to identify the object correctly. This operation is done by smart identifier and it is displayed in the results section along with one warning message. It's generally used to identify Web elements only.




  • Dec 7th, 2006

Hi Guys Smart Identification is a mechanism provided by QTP and used for identifying the objects smartly using Base filter properties or Optional filter properties when ever the normal identification fails due to the dynamic changes in the properties of objects. This will be seen only in Results window only not stored in the Object repository. I hope u r under stood the ans.

g.sri latha

  • Dec 10th, 2006

hi, smart identification is used for idenfying the objects during execution.first Q.T.P tries to identifies the objects using maniditory and one by one assistive properties.if it is fails then Q.T.P using the smart identification for identifying the test objects during execution with it's base filter and optional filter properties.but it is not storing in object repository it stores secretly and Whenever necessaary it will use by the Q.T.P.

Brijendra tiwari

  • Jan 19th, 2007

When QuickTest uses the recorded description to identify an object, itsearches for an object that matches every one of the property values in thedescription. In most cases, this description is the simplest way to identifythe object and unless the main properties of the object change, this methodwill work.

If QuickTest is unable to find any object that matches the recorded objectdescription, or if it finds more than one object that fits the description,then QuickTest ignores the recorded description, and uses the SmartIdentification mechanism to try to identify the object.

While the Smart Identification mechanism is more complex, it is moreflexible, and thus, if configured logically, a Smart Identification definitioncan probably help QuickTest identify an object, if it is present, even when therecorded description fails


  • Apr 16th, 2007

At the time of web application recording some of the actions are not identified by the QTP because some filter effects are associated with that web page so it is not identified by the QTP, at that time we are using smart identification to record such effects

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  • Aug 8th, 2007

QTP identifies all the objects by using object repo but in case of object properties run time changes, or description changes QTP not able to recognise them so in this case QTP uses smart identification,
Smart mainly contains basic and optional filter properties, basic are mandatory and optional are additional to identify the object, 1st QTP of all, using Basic properties it tries to identify the object otherwise it takes help from Optional,
It happens rare case.

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It can only be user for Web elements , When there is a Difference between the Properties of run time object and test object , Smart Identification will display the error message

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  • Apr 30th, 2009

Whenever QTP is not able to identify the object by using mandatory and assistive
properties, it will go for Smart Identification mechanism.

In this process it will use all the base filter properties at a time and
prepares a list of objects that are matching with the set of base filter
properties. If the list contains only one object then that is the object
Otherwise if the list contains more than one object it will go for 1st optional
filter property and tries to eliminate the objects which are not matching with
the properties. If the list contains only one object then that is the object. Other wise it will go for 2nd optional filter property. This process continues till the end of the all optional filter properties.

If it is able to identify the object uniquely with this type of process then it will perform operation on this object. Otherwise it will go for Ordinal Identifier and if any identifier is available it will identify the object roughly. If no identifier is available QTP will fail to identify the object.

This process is known as Smart Identification Mechanism or Elimination Process

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  • Dec 30th, 2010

When ever the QTP is unable to identify the objects with the help of the properties present in the object repository then the special mechanism provided by QTP to identify the object smartly with some other properties is known as smart identification.

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hi.. QTP contains 2 brains
1.Normal brain
2.Smart brain
Qtp identifies the object based on 4 properties they are mandatory properties(mps),assistive prpts(aps), base filter prpts(bfps), and optional filter properties(ofps) and in additional ordinal identifier(oi).
first 2 properties and oi will be stored in normal brain. and bfps,ofps will be stored in smart brain.  there are four chances to identify the obj those are
1. reading all mps 
2. all mps+ one or more aps
3. all mps + all aps
4. all mps+  all aps+ oi
 qtp first reads the all  mps at a time in obj.rep if those prpts r not sufficient to identify the obj then it will it will go for one r more aps.if these also not sufficient it will all aps and again those r not sufficient it will go for oi. based on this it will identify the obj in some cases normal brain wont work in future reference then it will go for smart brain which stores the data of the obj in a internal file by using the smart  brain properties.


  • Aug 4th, 2011

when Qtp is unable to identify the object using object properties in the object description or when it finds more than one object that matches the same properties then Qtp goes for smart identification.........

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  • Sep 9th, 2011

Smart identification is done during run time. When QTP fails to identify the object with normal identification, then it will goes for the smart identification.

In smart identification first it will take all the Base filter properties at a time and try to find object. If not find, it will go to First optional filter property. With help of all BFP & 1st OFP it tries to identify. if object is identified it will go to further execution. otherwise continues the same process upto all OFP are end. with all BFP and OFP if it does not identify, it will go to Ordinal Identifier. without, it will give rough output, but it will shows the result as Fail

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  • Sep 22nd, 2011

At the time of web application recording some of the actions are not identified by the QTP because some filter effects are associated with that web page so it is not identified by the QTP, at that time we are using smart identification to record such effects

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Whenever normal identification fails due to the dynamic changes in the properties of the objects, QTP uses Smart Object Identification which is a unique feature of QTP.

Smart Identification is an algorithm used by QTP when it is not able to recognise an object.

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  • May 14th, 2012

Smart identification to identify the dynamic object smartly, this is used only for web applications. The base filter information will be in mandatory property and the associated properties details will be optional filter. for eg we are instructing the robo (qtp) to idntify a person, initially it will set the base filter as Gender and the relevant information in optional filter like dress color, pant color etc. here smart identification check the base filter whether male exist or not if so it will hit the root to identify the object. if there is no male in class then it will thrown an error as no object found.

Smart identification should be enabled before we start recording, then only it will work otherwise it will not consider the operation

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  • Jun 10th, 2015

Is it possible to assign properties in smart identification, if yes how?

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