What is the best way to run the applications in QTP. "Not preferred Record/Playback".Normally people will run from the 'excel'.can you please give me the best idea for this.

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  • Mar 28th, 2006

There are 2 types of automation, one is recording or generating the script and playing back using Repository and another one is descriptive method.

We can follow any kind of framework for the project depending on the application.Usually people go for Hybrid kind of frame work where u can use all kind of framework available like modularized,Library,data driven,keyword driven etc.

In case of data driven kind of framework data will be taken from the external files like excel,csv,text files and we can pass it to particular test script.So this kind of framework is easy to maintain the script for different input data's.

      Hope this much is sufficient enough for your question .....



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  • Mar 28th, 2006

There are 2 types of automation, one is recording or generating the script and playing back using Repository and another one is descriptive method.

We can follow any kind of framework for the project depending on the application.Usually people go for Hybrid kind of frame work where u can use all kind of framework available like modularized,Library,data driven,keyword driven etc.

In case of data driven kind of framework data will be taken from the external files like excel,csv,text files and we can pass it to particular test script.So this kind of framework is easy to maintain the script for different input data's.

      Hope this much is sufficient enough for your question ..... Still if u have any doubts ping me to this id prasad_upp@yahoo.com

   Have a nice time ....Cheers !!!!!



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  • Mar 29th, 2006

What is the functional difference between Winrunner and QTP

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  • Apr 6th, 2006


normally people will run from the excel right.

can you please tell me steps. how to  bring i mean run from the excel sheet.

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