How can i schedule reports in cognos

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since Sep-2006 | Sep 17th, 2007

1. In Cognos Connection, Go to Public Folders or My Folders, click the schedule button for the report you want to schedule.
2. Under frequency, select how often you want the schedule to run.
3. Under Start, select the date and time you want the schedule to start.
4. Under End, select the date and time you want to end the schedule.
5. Under Formats, click the format you want to run the output.
6. Under Languages, select the languages to select different languages.
7. Under Delivery, choose any one delivery method.
8. If you want to be prompted, under Prompt values,select the Prompt for Values checkbox.
9. Click Ok.

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers

Praveenkumar Talla

  • Mar 22nd, 2006

By using Cognos Schedular, one can schedule the running reports in Impromptu to execute and save it in desired format.
By using Cognos MACRO script language the reports can be executed and distributed to recipients by using mail applications.
Compiled Cognos MACROs can be scheduled using Cognos Schedular.
Praveenkumar Talla


  • Jul 25th, 2006

One can schedule reports in cognos using cognos scheduler.This could be done by selectin g New Task available with one of the menu options.One can set the time to execute,save /generate the report on to other format etc.,with scheduler.

P Ramesh

  • Sep 13th, 2006

There are three types of Schedules in Cognos

  1. Run with Option ? Single time Scheduling
  2. Recurring Scheduling ? U can specify u r date and time here
  3. Job or Batch Scheduling ? A Job is a group of reports which can be scheduled at the specific date and time.

U can view the status by clicking ?Schedule Management?



1. In Cognos Connection, Go to Public Folders or My Folders, click the schedule button for the report you want to schedule.
2. Under frequency, select how often you want the schedule to run.
3. Under Start, select the date and time you want the schedule to start.
4. Under End, select the date and time you want to end the schedule.
5. Under Formats, click the format you want to run the output.
6. Under Languages, select the languages to select different languages.
7. Under Delivery, choose any one delivery method.
8. If you want to be prompted, under Prompt values,select the Prompt for Values checkbox.
9. Click Ok.

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