Explain the concept of object repository & how QTP recognises objects?

Questions by Debashish_samanta

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Mar 9th, 2006

While recording a script QTP recognizes the objects by its properties. These objects properties and values are stored in Object repository. When you run your test, QTP compares these objects properties with the run time objects properties.

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Pradeep Barre

  • Apr 19th, 2006

Object Repository is a central reservoir which contains a collection of object properties & values that QTP creates at the time of recording.These objects stored in object repository called ?test objects? are compared with the ?run time objects? by QTP during run session. Object Repository is the primary mechanism through which QTP brands & identifies objects that help running the scripts without hassles.


Iridium Interactive Ltd

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  • Dec 11th, 2006

Hi,This is Santosh, here I am trying to give you complete process of Object identification.....

Please go through it. If you got any doubts, let me know i will clear that...

Object Identification While RecordingStores Object as Test Object, Determining the class it fits.For each test object class, Quick Test always learns a list of mandatory properties. Checks whether this description is enough to uniquely identify the object.

If it is not, Quick Test adds assistive properties, one by one, to the description, until it has a unique descriptionObject Identification during Test RunSearches for a run-time object that exactly matches the description of the test object It expects to find a perfect match for both the mandatory and any assistive properties of test objectUses Smart Identification mechanism to identify an object, even when the recorded description is no longer accurateObject Repository Custom Configuration You use the main screen of the Object Identification dialog box to set mandatory and assistive recording properties, to select the ordinal identifier, and to specify whether you want to enable the Smart Identification mechanism for each test object. From the Object Identification dialog box, you can also define user-defined object classes and map them to Standard Windows object classes, and you can configure the smart identification mechanism for any object.

To configure mandatory and assistive properties for a test object class:

Choose Tools > Object Identification.

 The Object Identification dialog box opens.Select the appropriate environment in the Environment list. The test object classes associated with the selected environment are displayed in the Test object classes list.Select the properties you want to include in the Mandatory Properties list and/or clear the properties you want to remove from the list. Enter a valid property in the format attribute/and click OK.

The new property is added to the Mandatory Properties list. For example, to add a property called MyColor, enter attribute/MyColor. Click OK to close the Add/Remove Properties dialog box. The updated set of mandatory properties is displayed in the Mandatory Properties list.In the Assistive Properties list, click Add/Remove.

The Add/Remove Properties dialog box for assistive properties opens. Select the properties you want to include in the assistive properties list and/or clear the properties you want to remove from the list. Enter a valid property in the format attribute/and click OK. The new property is added to the Mandatory Properties list.

 For example, to add a property called MyColor, enter attribute/MyColor. Click OK to close the Add/Remove Properties dialog box. The properties are displayed in the Assistive Properties list.Use the up and down arrows to set your preferred order for the assistive properties. When you record a test and assistive properties are necessary to create a unique object description,

QuickTest adds the assistive properties to the description one at a time until it has enough information to create a unique description, according to the order you set in the Assistive Properties list.Introduction to Smart IdentificationWhen QuickTest uses the recorded description to identify an object, it searches for an object that matches every one of the property values in the description. In most cases, this description is the simplest way to identify the object and unless the main properties of the object change, this method will work.

 If QuickTest is unable to find any object that matches the recorded object description, or if it finds more than one object that fits the description, then QuickTest ignores the recorded description, and uses the Smart Identification mechanism to try to identify the object. While the Smart Identification mechanism is more complex, it is more flexible, and thus, if configured logically, a Smart Identification definition can probably help QuickTest identify an object, if it is present, even when the recorded description fails.

The Smart Identification mechanism uses two types of properties: Base filter propertiesThe most fundamental properties of a particular test object class; those whose values cannot be changed without changing the essence of the original object.

 For example, if a Web link’s tag was changed from

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